API Documentation

Installation and Setup

Please see our full documentation to install pyVIP.

Example Notebooks

Please see our set of example notebooks to see some example usage of pyVIP.


class virtualitics.api.VIP(auth_token=None, api_session_id=None, port=12345, encryption_key=None, host='ws://localhost', log_level=0, figsize=(8, 8), vpf_request_queue=None, vpf_response_queue=None)

Virtualitics API handler for Python.

The class will cache information about the Virtualitics Explore session and establish the Virtualitics Explore connection

  • auth_token – User to pass Authentication Token; default: None will check environment variables for token under “VIP_AUTH_TOKEN”

  • api_session_id – Used to connect to a specific instance of Explore Web, and obtained from the Settings Panel within the user’s Explore Web instance. Do not use when connecting to Explore Desktop.

  • port – The port Virtualitics Explore is serving. default: 12345. Integer in [0, 65535]

  • encryption_key – Optional encryption key; default: None

  • host – default is localhost connection. Only change this if you intend on connecting to a remote Virtualitics Explore instance. This is an advanced functionality.

  • log_levelint from 0 to 2. 0: quiet, 1: help, 2: debug. Help level will print messages that guide the user of important internal events. Debug level will print messages that expose a greater level of the internal state, useful for development and debugging purposes. Each level will print what is also printed at lower levels.

  • figsize(int, int) sets the figure size for showing any plots returned from Virtualitics Explore. The resolution of the plots shown is controlled by the ‘imsize’ parameter in the function calls. The default is [8, 8].


AuthenticationException – if the auth token is not provided and cannot be found in the expected locations.

ad(features=None, exclude=None, return_anomalies_df=True, plus_minus='both', stdev=0.5, and_or='and', apply=True, export='ortho', background='light', imsize=(2048, 2048), autocrop=True, path=None, save_to_local_history=True, keep_missing_value_columns=True)

Alias to anomaly_detection

add_column(data, name=None)

Add a pandas series to the currently loaded dataset in Virtualitics Explore. Uses column dtype to determine column type in Virtualitics Explore.

  • datapandas.core.Series object that contains a column of the user’s data.

  • name – if not None, sets this as the name of the series when it is added.



add_dashboard_tile(name, dashboard, tile_type, header_text=None, width=None, height=None, body_text=None, mapping_id=None, plot=None, dataset_name=None, column_name=None, column_bins=8, breakdown_column_name=None, breakdown_index=-1, breakdown_bins=4, breakdown_bin_dist='equal')

Create a new VipDashboardTile instance in Virtualitics Explore and assign it to a dashboard.

  • name (str) – str Desired name of the dashboard (may be displayed in Virtualitics Explore).

  • dashboard (VipDashboard) – vip_dashboard.VipDashboard object on which to add a tile.

  • tile_type (str) – str Desired tile type (i.e., text, histogram, piechart, snapshot)

  • header_textstr Text to be displayed in the header bar of the tile in Virtualitics Explore.

  • body_textstr Text to be displayed in the body of the tile in Virtualitics Explore (for text tile_type only).

  • widthint or float Desired tile width in pixels (may be clamped by Virtualitics Explore, [370,1110]).

  • heightint or float Desired tile height in pixels (may be clamped by Virtualitics Explore [290,870]).

  • mapping_idint Mapping index used to produce a snapshot tile. (optional - for snapshot tile_type only.)

  • plotVipPlot object used to generate a new mapping to use when producing a snapshot tile. (optional - for snapshot tile_type only)

  • dataset_namestr Name of the dataset in Virtualitics Explore that holds the data needed for the tile (optional - for histogram and piechart tile_type only)

  • column_namestr Name of the column used to the tile (optional - for histogram and piechart tile_type only)

  • column_binsint Number of bins to display for a numerical histogram or piechart (optional - for histogram and piechart tile_type only, default value is 8 for histogram, 4 for piechart)

  • breakdown_column_namestr Name of breakdown column used to divide histogram bins further into groups (optional - for histogram tile_type only)

  • breakdown_indexint Preferred breakdown category, by index. Default value of -1 will display an aggregate of all categories in the breakdown. (optional - for histogram tile_type only)

  • breakdown_binsint Number of bins to divide the breakdown column. (optional - for histogram tile_type only.) Default value: 4.

  • breakdown_bin_diststr Preferred breakdown bin distribution for numerical breakdown columns. equal or range. (optional - for histogram tile_type only)



add_histogram_dashboard_tile(name, dashboard, header_text=None, width=None, height=None, dataset_name=None, column_name=None, column_bins=8, breakdown_column_name=None, breakdown_index=-1, breakdown_bins=4, breakdown_bin_dist='equal')

Helper method for generating a histogram dashboard tile.

  • name (str) – str Desired name of the dashboard (may be displayed in Virtualitics Explore).

  • dashboard (VipDashboard) – vip_dashboard.VipDashboard object on which to add a tile.

  • header_textstr Text to be displayed in the header bar of the tile in Virtualitics Explore.

  • widthint or float Desired tile width in pixels (may be clamped by Virtualitics Explore, [370,1110]).

  • heightint or float Desired tile height in pixels (may be clamped by Virtualitics Explore [290,870]).

  • dataset_namestr Name of the dataset in Virtualitics Explore that holds the data needed for the tile (required for histogram, piechart, and snapshot tile_type only)

  • column_namestr Name of the column used to the tile (optional - for histogram and piechart tile_type only)

  • column_binsint Number of bins to display for a numerical histogram or piechart (optional - for histogram and piechart tile_type only, default value is 8 for histogram, 4 for piechart)

  • breakdown_column_namestr Name of breakdown column used to divide histogram bins further into groups (optional - for histogram tile_type only)

  • breakdown_indexint Preferred breakdown category, by index. Default value of -1 will display an aggregate of all categories in the breakdown. (optional - for histogram tile_type only)

  • breakdown_binsint Number of bins to divide the breakdown column. (optional - for histogram tile_type only.) Default value: 4.

  • breakdown_bin_diststr Preferred breakdown bin distribution for numerical breakdown columns. equal or range. (optional - for histogram tile_type only)



add_piechart_dashboard_tile(name, dashboard, header_text=None, width=None, height=None, dataset_name=None, column_name=None, column_bins=8)

Helper method for generating a piechart dashboard tile.

  • name (str) – str Desired name of the dashboard (may be displayed in Virtualitics Explore).

  • dashboard (VipDashboard) – vip_dashboard.VipDashboard object on which to add a tile.

  • header_textstr Text to be displayed in the header bar of the tile in Virtualitics Explore.

  • widthint or float Desired tile width in pixels (may be clamped by Virtualitics Explore, [370,1110]).

  • heightint or float Desired tile height in pixels (may be clamped by Virtualitics Explore [290,870]).

  • dataset_namestr Name of the dataset in Virtualitics Explore that holds the data needed for the tile (required for histogram, piechart, and snapshot tile_type only)

  • column_namestr Name of the column used to the tile (optional - for histogram and piechart tile_type only)

  • column_binsint Number of bins to display for a numerical histogram or piechart (optional - for histogram and piechart tile_type only, default value is 8 for histogram, 4 for piechart)



add_rows(data, replot=True, export='ortho', background='light', imsize=(2048, 2048), autocrop=True, path=None, save_to_local_history=True, show_legend=True)

Append a pandas data frame of rows to the currently loaded dataset in Virtualitics Explore.

  • datapandas.core.frame.DataFrame object that contains rows of the user’s data.

  • replotbool Whether to replot the current mapping after the rows have been added.

  • export – Specify whether to export a capture of the plot. Can be None/False or “ortho”, “front”, “side” or “right”, “top”, or “perspective”

  • background – Specify whether to export a plot capture with a light or dark theme, or the current color scheme configured in Virtualitics Explore. Options are {“light”, “dark”, “current”}. Light is used if the value is not specified.

  • imsize – size of the returned dimension; [w, h]. Only used if export is not None. Defaults to (2048, 2048)

  • autocrop – Specify whether to automatically crop the plot capture to remove whitespace

  • path – Filepath to save snapshot; filepath should end with a jpg/jpeg/png/bmp extension

  • save_to_local_historybool; whether to save VipPlot object to this.local_history list. Default value is True.

  • show_legendbool; whether to show the legend in the plot capture. Default value is True.



add_snapshot_dashboard_tile(name, dashboard, header_text=None, width=None, height=None, dataset_name=None, mapping_id=None, plot=None)

Helper method for generating a snapshot dashboard tile.

  • name (str) – str Desired name of the dashboard (may be displayed in Virtualitics Explore).

  • dashboard (VipDashboard) – vip_dashboard.VipDashboard object on which to add a tile.

  • header_textstr Text to be displayed in the header bar of the tile in Virtualitics Explore.

  • widthint or float Desired tile width in pixels (may be clamped by Virtualitics Explore, [370,1110]).

  • heightint or float Desired tile height in pixels (may be clamped by Virtualitics Explore [290,870]).

  • dataset_namestr Name of the dataset in Virtualitics Explore that holds the data needed for the tile (required for histogram, piechart, and snapshot tile_type only)

  • mapping_idint Mapping index used to produce a snapshot tile. (for snapshot tile_type only.)

  • plotVipPlot object used to generate a new mapping to use when producing a snapshot tile. (for snapshot tile_type only)



add_text_dashboard_tile(name, dashboard, header_text=None, body_text=None, width=None, height=None)

Helper method for generating a text dashboard tile.

  • name (str) – str Desired name of the dashboard (may be displayed in Virtualitics Explore).

  • dashboard (VipDashboard) – vip_dashboard.VipDashboard object on which to add a tile.

  • header_textstr Text to be displayed in the header bar of the tile in Virtualitics Explore.

  • body_textstr Text to be displayed in the body of the tile in Virtualitics Explore (for text tile_type only).

  • widthint or float Desired tile width in pixels (may be clamped by Virtualitics Explore, [370,1110]).

  • heightint or float Desired tile height in pixels (may be clamped by Virtualitics Explore [290,870]).



anomaly_detection(features=None, exclude=None, return_anomalies_df=True, plus_minus='both', stdev=0.5, and_or='and', apply=True, export='ortho', background='light', imsize=(2048, 2048), autocrop=True, path=None, save_to_local_history=True, keep_missing_value_columns=True, position=None, orientation=None, show_legend=True)

Runs anomaly detection in Virtualitics Explore

  • features – List of column names that user wants to analyze for outliers

  • exclude – List of column names to exclude in the analysis; this overrides any features listed in the features parameter.

  • plus_minus – Include outliers that are above, below, or above and below the desired standard deviation mark. Defaults to both. Can be “both”, “plus”, or “minus”

  • stdev – User defined standard deviation on which to classify outliers.

  • and_or – “and” identifies data points that are outliers in all input features. “or” identifies data points that are outliers in any of the input features.

  • apply – [Deprecated] bool for whether to apply the result to the halo dimension.

  • return_anomalies_df – Whether to return the output of the process to the notebook. Defaults to True.

  • export – Specify whether to export a capture of the plot. Can be None/False or “ortho”, “front”, “side” or “right”, “top”, or “perspective”

  • background – Specify whether to export a plot capture with a light or dark theme, or the current color scheme configured in Virtualitics Explore. Options are {“light”, “dark”, “current”}. Light is used if the value is not specified.

  • imsize – size of the returned dimension; [w, h]. Only used if export is not None. Defaults to (2048, 2048)

  • autocrop – Specify whether to automatically crop the plot capture to remove whitespace

  • path – Filepath to save snapshot; filepath should end with a jpg/jpeg/png/bmp extension

  • save_to_local_historybool; whether to save VipPlot object to this.local_history list. Default value is True.

  • keep_missing_value_columnsbool for whether to keep features with more than 50% missing values as part of the input for anomaly detection. Default is True.

  • position – { pos_x: float, pos_y: float, pos_z: float } horizontal, vertical and depth values for plot position in meters.

  • orientation – { rot_x: float, rot_y: float, rot_z: float } pitch, yaw, roll values for plot orientation in degrees.

  • show_legendbool; whether to show the legend in the plot capture. Default value is True.



apply_suggested_mapping(result_index, mapping_index, method='smart_mapping', export='ortho', background='light', imsize=(2048, 2048), autocrop=True, path=None, save_to_local_history=True, position=None, orientation=None, show_legend=True)

Applies a suggested mapping from a given smart mapping or pca result.

  • result_indexint; The desired Smart Mapping or PCA Result index (use -1 for currently selected result).

  • mapping_indexint; The desired Suggested Mapping index (warning will be returned if no mapping exists for the provided index).

  • save_to_local_historybool; whether to save VipPlot object to this.local_history list. Default value is True.

  • export – Specify whether to export a capture of the plot. defaults to “ortho”. If the plot type is “MAPS2D”, the export setting will be set to “front” regardless of requested parameter, unless the user passes None/False.

  • background – Specify whether to export a plot capture with a light or dark theme, or the current color scheme configured in Virtualitics Explore. Options are {“light”, “dark”, “current”}. Light is used if the value is not specified.

  • imsize – size of the returned dimension; [w, h]. Only used if export is not None. Defaults to (2048, 2048)

  • autocrop – Specify whether to automatically crop the plot capture to remove whitespace

  • path – Filepath to save snapshot; filepath should end with a jpg/jpeg/png/bmp extension

  • position – { pos_x: float, pos_y: float, pos_z: float } horizontal, vertical and depth values for plot position in meters.

  • orientation – { rot_x: float, rot_y: float, rot_z: float } pitch, yaw, roll values for plot orientation in degrees.

  • show_legendbool; whether to show the legend in the plot capture. Default value is True.

attach_object_annotation(id, objectAnchorX=None, objectAnchorY=None, objectAnchorZ=None)

Given an object annotation by id, attach to to its object at the specified anchor position.



change_annotation_type(id, new_type)

Convert an annotation from one type to another. Only certain transformations are allowed (i.e. Point->Mapping, Point->Dataset, Mapping->Dataset, Dataset->Mapping)

  • id (str) – str ID of the annotation to be changed.

  • new_type (AnnotationType) – AnnotationType New desired type for the annotation. (i.e. mapping, dataset)




Clears all VipDashboardTiles from a VipDashboard instance in Virtualitics Explore.


guidstr The GUID of the dashboard to clear.



clustering(num_clusters=None, features=None, exclude=None, keep_missing_value_columns=True, apply=True, return_clusters_df=True, export='ortho', background='light', imsize=(2048, 2048), autocrop=True, path=None, save_to_local_history=True, position=None, orientation=None, show_legend=True)

Runs K-means clustering in Virtualitics Explore

  • num_clustersint between 1 and 16, specifying the number of clusters to compute. Default is None and enables ‘auto’-mode where the number of clusters to compute is algorithmically determined based on stability.

  • features – List of column names that user wants to analyze

  • exclude – List of column names to exclude in the analysis; this overrides any features listed in the features parameter.

  • return_clusters_df – Whether to return the output of the process to the notebook. Defaults to True.

  • export – Specify whether to export a capture of the plot. Can be None/False or “ortho”, “front”, “side” or “right”, “top”, or “perspective”

  • background – Specify whether to export a plot capture with a light or dark theme, or the current color scheme configured in Virtualitics Explore. Options are {“light”, “dark”, “current”}. Light is used if the value is not specified.

  • imsize – size of the returned dimension; [w, h]. Only used if export is not None. Defaults to (2048, 2048)

  • autocrop – Specify whether to automatically crop the plot capture to remove whitespace

  • path – Filepath to save snapshot; filepath should end with a jpg/jpeg/png/bmp extension

  • save_to_local_historybool; whether to save VipPlot object to this.local_history list. Default value is True.

  • apply – [Deprecated] bool determining whether to apply the clustering result to the color dimension. Default is True.

  • keep_missing_value_columnsbool for whether to keep features with more than 50% missing values as part of the input for clustering. Default is True.

  • position – { pos_x: float, pos_y: float, pos_z: float } horizontal, vertical and depth values for plot position in meters.

  • orientation – { rot_x: float, rot_y: float, rot_z: float } pitch, yaw, roll values for plot orientation in degrees.

  • show_legendbool; whether to show the legend in the plot capture. Default value is True.


pandas.DataFrame containing the results of the clustering. If return_data is false, this returns None.

clustering_coefficient(apply=True, use_color_normalization=True, return_clustering_coefficient_df=True, export='ortho', background='light', imsize=(2048, 2048), autocrop=True, path=None, save_to_local_history=True, position=None, orientation=None, show_legend=True)

Runs the clustering coefficient algorithm on the visible network that is currently loaded in Virtualitics Explore.

  • return_clustering_coefficient_dfbool determining whether to return a pandas.DataFrame containing the clustering coefficient results to the caller. Defaults to True.

  • export – Specify whether to export a capture of the plot. Can be None/False or “ortho”, “front”, “side” or “right”, “top”, or “perspective”

  • background – Specify whether to export a plot capture with a light or dark theme, or the current color scheme configured in Virtualitics Explore. Options are {“light”, “dark”, “current”}. Light is used if the value is not specified.

  • imsize – size of the returned dimension; [w, h]. Only used if export is not None. Defaults to (2048, 2048)

  • autocrop – Specify whether to automatically crop the plot capture to remove whitespace

  • path – Filepath to save snapshot; filepath should end with a jpg/jpeg/png/bmp extension

  • save_to_local_historybool; whether to save VipPlot object to this.local_history list. Default value is True.

  • applybool determining whether to apply the clustering coefficient result to the color dimension. Default is True. When True, color_type is automatically changed to gradient.

  • use_color_normalizationbool determining whether to use softmax color normalization when the clustering coefficient result has been applied to color. Default is True.

  • position – { pos_x: float, pos_y: float, pos_z: float } horizontal, vertical and depth values for plot position in meters.

  • orientation – { rot_x: float, rot_y: float, rot_z: float } pitch, yaw, roll values for plot orientation in degrees.

  • show_legendbool; whether to show the legend in the plot capture. Default value is True.


pandas.DataFrame containing the results of the clustering coefficient. If return_clustering_coefficient_df is False, this returns None.


Triggers the global toggle to collapse all expanded Annotations in Virtualitics Explore.



convert_column(column, column_type)

Converts column to the specified type.

  • column – expects column name (str) or a pandas.Series

  • column_type (str) – {“Continuous”, “Categorical”}



static convert_json_to_networkx(network)

Converts a network represented in Virtualitics Explore’s JSON format into a NetworkX object.


networkstr of path to JSON file or dict representing the JSON as a dictionary.


networkx.Graph object.

static convert_networkx_to_json(network, path=None)

Converts a network represented as a NetworkX object into Virtualitics Explore’s JSON format.

  • networknetworkx.Graph an undirected NetworkX graph

  • pathstr of path to write JSON to or None to omit writing to file. Defaults is None.


dict representing the JSON as a dictionary.

convex_hull(show_points=True, x=None, y=None, z=None, color=None, size=None, shape=None, transparency=None, halo=None, halo_highlight=None, pulsation=None, pulsation_highlight=None, playback=None, playback_highlight=None, arrow=None, groupby=None, x_scale=None, y_scale=None, z_scale=None, x_range_min=None, x_range_max=None, x_limit_min=None, x_limit_max=None, x_limit_link=None, y_range_min=None, y_range_max=None, y_limit_min=None, y_limit_max=None, y_limit_link=None, z_range_min=None, z_range_max=None, z_limit_min=None, z_limit_max=None, z_limit_link=None, size_scale=None, transparency_scale=None, halo_scale=None, arrow_scale=None, color_type=None, color_palette_id=None, x_normalization=None, y_normalization=None, z_normalization=None, size_normalization=None, transparency_normalization=None, arrow_normalization=None, export='ortho', background='light', imsize=(2048, 2048), autocrop=True, path=None, save_to_local_history=True, color_bins=None, color_bin_dist=None, color_inverted=None, name=None, position=None, orientation=None, edge_transparency=None, show_legend=True)

Generates Convex Hull plot in Virtualitics Explore. Expects column name or pandas data series dimension parameters.

  • show_points – Setting for how to view the convex hull. Valid options are {True, False, “show”, “hide”}

  • x – X dimension

  • y – Y dimension

  • z – Z dimension

  • color – Color dimension. Automatically uses quartile/categorical coloring.

  • size – Size dimension. Works best with continuous features

  • shape – Shape dimension. Works best with categorical features

  • transparency – Transparency dimension. Works best with continuous features.

  • halo – Halo dimension. Works with binary features

  • halo_highlight – Optionally select a single value of the feature mapped to the Halo dimension. All points with this value will show a halo.

  • pulsation – Pulsation dimension. Works best with categorical features

  • pulsation_highlight – Optionally select a single value of the feature mapped to the Pulsation dimension. All points with this value will pulsate.

  • playback – Playback dimension. Requires user interaction to be activated; otherwise shows all.

  • playback_highlight – Optionally select a single value of the feature mapped to the Playback dimension. All points with this value will be shown and all other points will be hidden.

  • arrow – Arrow dimension. Works with continuous and categorical features.

  • groupby – Group By dimension. Works with categorical columns.

  • x_scale – Scaling factor for X dimension. Value must be between .5 and 10.

  • y_scale – Scaling factor for Y dimension. Value must be between .5 and 10.

  • z_scale – Scaling factor for Z dimension. Value must be between .5 and 10.

  • size_scale – Scaling factor for Size dimension. Value must be between .5 and 10.

  • transparency_scale – Scaling factor for Transparency dimension. Value must be between .5 and 10.

  • halo_scale – Scaling factor for Halo dimension. Value must be between .5 and 10.

  • arrow_scale – Scaling factor for Size dimension. Value must be between .5 and 10.

  • color_type – User can select “bin” or “palette” or None (which uses Virtualitics Explore defaults). For categorical data, the only option is color “palette”. For numeric data, “bin” is the default.

  • color_palette_id – User can select the color palette based on the available palettes for the specified color_type.

  • color_invertedbool controlling the order of colors for all color types.

  • x_normalization – Normalization setting for X. This can only be set if the feature mapped to this dimension is numerical and continuous. The options are “Log10”, “Softmax”, “IHST”

  • y_normalization – Normalization setting for Y.This can only be set if the feature mapped to this dimension is numerical and continuous. The options are “Log10”, “Softmax”, “IHST”

  • z_normalization – Normalization setting for Z. This can only be set if the feature mapped to this dimension is numerical and continuous. The options are “Log10”, “Softmax”, “IHST”

  • size_normalization – Normalization setting for Size. This can only be set if the feature mapped to this dimension is numerical and continuous. The options are “Log10”, “Softmax”, “IHST”

  • transparency_normalization – Normalization setting for Transparency.This can only be set if the feature mapped to this dimension is numerical and continuous. The options are “Log10”, “Softmax”, “IHST”

  • arrow_normalization – Normalization setting for Arrow. This can only be set if the feature mapped to this dimension is numerical and continuous. The options are “Log10”, “Softmax”, “IHST”

  • export – Specify whether to export a capture of the plot. Defaults to “ortho”. Options are {“ortho”, “front”, “right”, “side” (same as “right”), “top”, “perspective”, None, False}.

  • background – Specify whether to export a plot capture with a light or dark theme, or the current color scheme configured in Virtualitics Explore. Options are {“light”, “dark”, “current”}. Light is used if the value is not specified.

  • imsize – size of the returned dimension; [w, h]. Only used if export is not None. Defaults to (2048, 2048)

  • autocrop – Specify whether to automatically crop the plot capture to remove whitespace

  • save_to_local_historybool; whether to save VipPlot object to this.local_history list. Default value is True.

  • path – Filepath to save snapshot; filepath should end with a jpg/jpeg/png/bmp extension

  • color_bins – sets the number of color bins to use. The max number of bins is 16. You must have at least as many unique values (in the column mapped to color) as the number of bins you set.

  • color_bin_diststr with options: {“equal”, “range”}

  • namestr specifying the name of the plot. Default to None. A name will be automatically generated in Virtualitics Explore.

  • position – { pos_x: float, pos_y: float, pos_z: float } horizontal, vertical and depth values for plot position in meters.

  • orientation – { rot_x: float, rot_y: float, rot_z: float } pitch, yaw, roll values for plot orientation in degrees.

  • edge_transparency – Determines how transparent the edges will be. Fully transparent is 0 and fully opaque is 1.

  • show_legendbool; whether to show the legend in the plot capture. Default value is True.



create_annotation(a_type, name=None, comment=None, userID=None, isCollapsed=False, windowColor=None, textColor=None, pipPosition=None, screenPositionX=None, screenPositionY=None, screenOffsetX=None, screenOffsetY=None, width=None, height=None, datasetName=None, mappingID=None, rowIndex=None, objectName=None, objectID=None, isAttached=False, objectAnchorX=None, objectAnchorY=None, objectAnchorZ=None)

Base method to create an annotation of any type.

  • a_type (AnnotationType) – AnnotationType specifies the type of annotation.

  • namestr The name of the annotation (will be displayed in the header bar of the Annotation UI.)

  • commentstr The main body text of the annotation.

  • userIDstr The user-defined id (will be displayed in the pip/badge for the annotation).

  • datasetNamestr The name of the dataset the annotation belongs to (if a DATASET, MAPPING, or POINT annotation).

  • mappingIDint The index of the mapping the annotation belongs to (if a MAPPING ANNOTATION).

  • objectNamestr The name of the object the annotation belongs to (if an OBJECT annotation). This can be used in place of objectID.

  • objectIDstr The id of the object the annotation belongs to (if an OBJECT annotation). This can be used in place of objectName.

  • rowIndexint The rowIndex of the data point the annotation belongs to (if a POINT annotation).

  • windowColorstr The color of the header in the annotation window, represented as an HTML color string (i.e. FF0000 for RED)

  • textColorstr The color of the header text in the annotation, represented as an HTML color string (i.e. FF0000 for RED)

  • pipPositionAnnotationPipPosition or str The position that the pip/badge should take with respect to the annotation (LEFT or RIGHT)

  • screenPositionXfloat The screen-space X position of the annotation, normalized from 0 (left) to 1 (right). This setting is only used for DATASET, MAPPING, and Detached OBJECT annotations.

  • screenPositionYfloat The screen-space Y position of the annotation, normalized from 0 (bottom) to 1 (top). This setting is only used for DATASET, MAPPING, and Detached OBJECT annotations.

  • screenOffsetXfloat The screen-space X offset of the annotation, normalized from -1 (full screen width to the left) to 1 (full screen width to the right). This setting is only used for POINT annotations and Attached OBJECT annotations.

  • screenOffsetYfloat The screen-space Y offset of the annotation, normalized from -1 (full screen height below) to 1 (full screen height above). This setting is only used for POINT annotations and Attached OBJECT annotations.

  • objectAnchorXfloat The object-space X position of the object annotation attach point, or anchor.

  • objectAnchorYfloat The object-space Y position of the object annotation attach point, or anchor.

  • objectAnchorZfloat The object-space Z position of the object annotation attach point, or anchor.

  • widthint The width, as a ratio of screen width, of the annotation window.

  • heightint The height, as a ratio of screen height, of the annotation window.

  • isAttachedbool The attached/detached state of an annotation (if an OBJECT annotation).

  • isCollapsedbool The collapsed/expanded state of an annotation.




Creates a Virtualitics Explore annotation from an instance of a VipAnnotation.


annotation (VipAnnotation) – VipAnnotation Annotation instance holding all relevant information for the annotation.




Create a new VipDashboard instance in Virtualitics Explore.


namestr user-specified name for the VipDashboard instance.



create_dataset_annotation(name=None, comment=None, userID=None, isCollapsed=False, windowColor=None, textColor=None, pipPosition=None, screenPositionX=None, screenPositionY=None, width=None, height=None, datasetName=None)

Helper method to create a dataset annotation.

  • namestr The name of the annotation (will be displayed in the header bar of the Annotation UI.)

  • commentstr The main body text of the annotation.

  • userIDstr The user-defined id (will be displayed in the pip/badge for the annotation).

  • datasetNamestr The name of the dataset to which the annotation belongs.

  • windowColorstr The color of the header in the annotation window, represented as an HTML color string (i.e. FF0000 for RED)

  • textColorstr The color of the header text in the annotation, represented as an HTML color string (i.e. FF0000 for RED)

  • pipPositionAnnotationPipPosition or str The position that the pip/badge should take with respect to the annotation (LEFT or RIGHT)

  • screenPositionXfloat The screen-space X position of the annotation, normalized from 0 (left) to 1 (right).

  • screenPositionYfloat The screen-space Y position of the annotation, normalized from 0 (bottom) to 1 (top).

  • widthint The width, as a ratio of screen width, of the annotation window.

  • heightint The height, as a ratio of screen height, of the annotation window.

  • isCollapsedbool The collapsed/expanded state of an annotation.



create_mapping_annotation(name=None, comment=None, userID=None, isCollapsed=False, windowColor=None, textColor=None, pipPosition=None, screenPositionX=None, screenPositionY=None, width=None, height=None, datasetName=None, mappingID=None)

Helper method to create a mapping annotation.

  • namestr The name of the annotation (will be displayed in the header bar of the Annotation UI.)

  • commentstr The main body text of the annotation.

  • userIDstr The user-defined id (will be displayed in the pip/badge for the annotation).

  • datasetNamestr The name of the dataset to which the annotation belongs.

  • mappingIDint The index of the mapping to which the annotation belongs.

  • windowColorstr The color of the header in the annotation window, represented as an HTML color string (i.e. FF0000 for RED)

  • textColorstr The color of the header text in the annotation, represented as an HTML color string (i.e. FF0000 for RED)

  • pipPositionAnnotationPipPosition or str The position that the pip/badge should take with respect to the annotation (LEFT or RIGHT)

  • screenPositionXfloat The screen-space X position of the annotation, normalized from 0 (left) to 1 (right).

  • screenPositionYfloat The screen-space Y position of the annotation, normalized from 0 (bottom) to 1 (top).

  • widthint The width, as a ratio of screen width, of the annotation window.

  • heightint The height, as a ratio of screen height, of the annotation window.

  • isCollapsedbool The collapsed/expanded state of an annotation.



create_object_annotation(name=None, comment=None, userID=None, isCollapsed=False, windowColor=None, textColor=None, pipPosition=None, screenPositionX=None, screenPositionY=None, screenOffsetX=None, screenOffsetY=None, width=None, height=None, objectID=None, isAttached=False, objectAnchorX=None, objectAnchorY=None, objectAnchorZ=None)

Helper method to create an object annotation.

  • namestr The name of the annotation (will be displayed in the header bar of the Annotation UI.)

  • commentstr The main body text of the annotation.

  • userIDstr The user-defined id (will be displayed in the pip/badge for the annotation).

  • objectIDstr The id of the object the annotation belongs to (if an OBJECT annotation).

  • windowColorstr The color of the header in the annotation window, represented as an HTML color string (i.e. FF0000 for RED)

  • textColorstr The color of the header text in the annotation, represented as an HTML color string (i.e. FF0000 for RED)

  • pipPositionAnnotationPipPosition or str The position that the pip/badge should take with respect to the annotation (LEFT or RIGHT)

  • screenPositionXfloat The screen-space X position of the annotation, normalized from 0 (left) to 1 (right). This setting is only used if isAttached is False.

  • screenPositionYfloat The screen-space Y position of the annotation, normalized from 0 (bottom) to 1 (top). This setting is only used if isAttached is False.

  • screenOffsetXfloat The screen-space X offset of the annotation from its attached point, normalized from -1 (full screen width to the left) to 1 (full screen width to the right). This setting is only used if isAttached is True.

  • screenOffsetYfloat The screen-space Y offset of the annotation from its attached point, normalized from -1 (full screen height below) to 1 (full screen height above). This setting is only used if isAttached is True.

  • widthint The width, as a ratio of screen width, of the annotation window.

  • heightint The height, as a ratio of screen height, of the annotation window.

  • isAttachedbool The attached/detached state of an annotation.

  • isCollapsedbool The collapsed/expanded state of an annotation.

  • objectAnchorXfloat The object-space X position of the object annotation attach point, or anchor.

  • objectAnchorYfloat The object-space Y position of the object annotation attach point, or anchor.

  • objectAnchorZfloat The object-space Z position of the object annotation attach point, or anchor.



create_point_annotation(name=None, comment=None, userID=None, isCollapsed=False, windowColor=None, textColor=None, pipPosition=None, screenOffsetX=None, screenOffsetY=None, width=None, height=None, datasetName=None, rowIndex=None)

Helper method to create a point annotation. Only one point annotation per row index is allowed. Any attempts to add an annotation to a row index that already contains one will result in an error being returned.

  • namestr The name of the annotation (will be displayed in the header bar of the Annotation UI.)

  • commentstr The main body text of the annotation.

  • userIDstr The user-defined id (will be displayed in the pip/badge for the annotation).

  • datasetNamestr The name of the dataset to which the annotation belongs.

  • rowIndexint The rowIndex of the data point to which the annotation belongs.

  • windowColorstr The color of the header in the annotation window, represented as an HTML color string (i.e. FF0000 for RED)

  • textColorstr The color of the header text in the annotation, represented as an HTML color string (i.e. FF0000 for RED)

  • pipPositionAnnotationPipPosition or str The position that the pip/badge should take with respect to the annotation (LEFT or RIGHT)

  • screenOffsetXfloat The screen-space X offset of the annotation from its attached point, normalized from -1 (full screen width to the left) to 1 (full screen width to the right).

  • screenOffsetYfloat The screen-space Y offset of the annotation from its attached point, normalized from -1 (full screen height below) to 1 (full screen height above).

  • widthint The width, as a ratio of screen width, of the annotation window.

  • heightint The height, as a ratio of screen height, of the annotation window.

  • isCollapsedbool The collapsed/expanded state of an annotation.




Deletes all Annotations (globally) in Virtualitics Explore.




Deletes all objects loaded into Virtualitics Explore.


Shortcut for delete_all_objects method.


Delete an annotation based on a given id.


id (str) – str ID for an annotation (provided) by Virtualitics Explore.




Deletes a dataset or network from Virtualitics Explore. This is particularly useful when you have a lot of data loaded into Virtualitics Explore and there is a performance slow down. If ‘dataset_name’ is passed, Virtualitics Explore will delete the dataset or network with the corresponding name. If ‘dataset_name’ is left as None, the currently loaded dataset or network will be deleted from Virtualitics Explore if there is a dataset loaded.


namestr specifying the name of the dataset or network to delete from Virtualitics Explore. Defaults to None




Shortcut for delete_object method.


Delete an object in Virtualitics Explore, given an id. If no id is passed, Virtualitics Explore will delete the current object.


Destroys a VipDashboard instance in Virtualitics Explore.


guidstr The GUID of the dashboard to destroy.




Given an object annotation by id, detach it from its object anchor position.



ellipsoid(confidence=95.0, show_points=True, x=None, y=None, z=None, color=None, size=None, shape=None, transparency=None, halo=None, halo_highlight=None, pulsation=None, pulsation_highlight=None, playback=None, playback_highlight=None, arrow=None, groupby=None, x_scale=None, y_scale=None, z_scale=None, x_range_min=None, x_range_max=None, x_limit_min=None, x_limit_max=None, x_limit_link=None, y_range_min=None, y_range_max=None, y_limit_min=None, y_limit_max=None, y_limit_link=None, z_range_min=None, z_range_max=None, z_limit_min=None, z_limit_max=None, z_limit_link=None, size_scale=None, transparency_scale=None, halo_scale=None, arrow_scale=None, color_type=None, color_palette_id=None, x_normalization=None, y_normalization=None, z_normalization=None, size_normalization=None, transparency_normalization=None, arrow_normalization=None, export='ortho', background='light', imsize=(2048, 2048), autocrop=True, path=None, save_to_local_history=True, color_bins=None, color_bin_dist=None, color_inverted=None, name=None, position=None, orientation=None, edge_transparency=None, show_legend=True)

Generates Ellipsoid plot in Virtualitics Explore. Expects column name or pandas data series dimension parameters.

  • confidencefloat confidence probability that must be in {99.5, 99.0, 97.5, 95.0, 90.0, 80.0, 75.0, 70.0, 50.0, 30.0, 25.0, 20.0, 10.0, 5.0, 2.5, 1.0, 0.5}

  • show_points – Setting for how to view the confidence ellipsoids. Valid options are {True, False, “show”, “hide”}

  • x – X dimension

  • y – Y dimension

  • z – Z dimension

  • color – Color dimension. Automatically uses quartile/categorical coloring.

  • size – Size dimension. Works best with continuous features

  • shape – Shape dimension. Works best with categorical features

  • transparency – Transparency dimension. Works best with continuous features.

  • halo – Halo dimension. Works with binary features

  • halo_highlight – Optionally select a single value of the feature mapped to the Halo dimension. All points with this value will show a halo.

  • pulsation – Pulsation dimension. Works best with categorical features

  • pulsation_highlight – Optionally select a single value of the feature mapped to the Pulsation dimension. All points with this value will pulsate.

  • playback – Playback dimension. Requires user interaction to be activated; otherwise shows all.

  • playback_highlight – Optionally select a single value of the feature mapped to the Playback dimension. All points with this value will be shown and all other points will be hidden.

  • arrow – Arrow dimension. Works with continuous and categorical features.

  • groupby – Group By dimension. Works with categorical columns.

  • x_scale – Scaling factor for X dimension. Value must be between .5 and 10.

  • y_scale – Scaling factor for Y dimension. Value must be between .5 and 10.

  • z_scale – Scaling factor for Z dimension. Value must be between .5 and 10.

  • size_scale – Scaling factor for Size dimension. Value must be between .5 and 10.

  • transparency_scale – Scaling factor for Transparency dimension. Value must be between .5 and 10.

  • halo_scale – Scaling factor for Halo dimension. Value must be between .5 and 10.

  • arrow_scale – Scaling factor for Size dimension. Value must be between .5 and 10.

  • color_type – User can select “bin” or “palette” or None (which uses Virtualitics Explore defaults). For categorical data, the only option is color “palette”. For numeric data, “bin” is the default.

  • color_palette_id – User can select the color palette based on the available palettes for the specified color_type.

  • color_invertedbool controlling the order of colors for all color types.

  • x_normalization – Normalization setting for X. This can only be set if the feature mapped to this dimension is numerical and continuous. The options are “Log10”, “Softmax”, “IHST”

  • y_normalization – Normalization setting for Y.This can only be set if the feature mapped to this dimension is numerical and continuous. The options are “Log10”, “Softmax”, “IHST”

  • z_normalization – Normalization setting for Z. This can only be set if the feature mapped to this dimension is numerical and continuous. The options are “Log10”, “Softmax”, “IHST”

  • size_normalization – Normalization setting for Size. This can only be set if the feature mapped to this dimension is numerical and continuous. The options are “Log10”, “Softmax”, “IHST”

  • transparency_normalization – Normalization setting for Transparency.This can only be set if the feature mapped to this dimension is numerical and continuous. The options are “Log10”, “Softmax”, “IHST”

  • arrow_normalization – Normalization setting for Arrow. This can only be set if the feature mapped to this dimension is numerical and continuous. The options are “Log10”, “Softmax”, “IHST”

  • export – Specify whether to export a capture of the plot. Defaults to “ortho”. Options are {“ortho”, “front”, “right”, “side” (same as “right”), “top”, “perspective”, None, False}.

  • background – Specify whether to export a plot capture with a light or dark theme, or the current color scheme configured in Virtualitics Explore. Options are {“light”, “dark”, “current”}. Light is used if the value is not specified.

  • imsize – size of the returned dimension; [w, h]. Only used if export is not None. Defaults to (2048, 2048)

  • autocrop – Specify whether to automatically crop the plot capture to remove whitespace

  • save_to_local_historybool; whether to save VipPlot object to this.local_history list. Default value is True.

  • path – Filepath to save snapshot; filepath should end with a jpg/jpeg/png/bmp extension

  • color_bins – sets the number of color bins to use. The max number of bins is 16. You must have at least as many unique values (in the column mapped to color) as the number of bins you set.

  • color_bin_diststr with options: {“equal”, “range”}

  • namestr specifying the name of the plot. Default to None. A name will be automatically generated in Virtualitics Explore.

  • position – { pos_x: float, pos_y: float, pos_z: float } horizontal, vertical and depth values for plot position in meters.

  • orientation – { rot_x: float, rot_y: float, rot_z: float } pitch, yaw, roll values for plot orientation in degrees.

  • edge_transparency – Determines how transparent the edges will be. Fully transparent is 0 and fully opaque is 1.

  • show_legendbool; whether to show the legend in the plot capture. Default value is True.




Triggers the global toggle to expand all collapsed Annotations in VIP.



explainable_ai(function, targetColumn, associativeColumns)

Configures and runs the Explainable AI tool in Virtualitics Explore.

  • function – The type of explainability function to run. Can be “IdentificationTree”, “RelativeEdgeDensity”, “KolmogorovSmirnov”.

  • targetColumnpandas.Series containing values which will be treated as the target categories for explainability.

  • associativeColumns – [pandas.Series] containing list of columns that will be used to as input alongside the target column.



property figsize

This is used as the setting for the matplotlib figure size when displaying the image of plots generated by Virtualitics Explore. The default value is (8, 8)


(int, int)

filter(feature_name, min=None, max=None, include=None, exclude=None, export='ortho', background='light', imsize=(2048, 2048), autocrop=True, path=None, save_to_local_history=True, keep_missing_value_columns=True, position=None, orientation=None, show_legend=True)
  • feature_name – Name of feature to add filter to

  • min – If feature is continuous, set the lower bound of the filter to “min”

  • max – If feature is continuous, set the upper bound of the filter to “max”

  • include – If feature is categorical, set these categories to be visible

  • exclude – If feature is categorical, set these categories to be invisible

  • export – Specify whether to export a capture of the plot. Can be None/False or “ortho”, “front”, “side” or “right”, “top”, or “perspective”

  • background – Specify whether to export a plot capture with a light or dark theme, or the current color scheme configured in Virtualitics Explore. Options are {“light”, “dark”, “current”}. Light is used if the value is not specified.

  • imsize – size of the returned dimension; [w, h]. Only used if export is not None. Defaults to (2048, 2048)

  • autocrop – Specify whether to automatically crop the plot capture to remove whitespace

  • path – Filepath to save snapshot; filepath should end with a jpg/jpeg/png/bmp extension

  • save_to_local_historybool; whether to save VipPlot object to this.local_history list. Default value is True.

  • keep_missing_value_columnsbool for whether to keep features with more than 50% missing values as part of the input for filtering. Default is True.

  • position – { pos_x: float, pos_y: float, pos_z: float } horizontal, vertical and depth values for plot position in meters.

  • orientation – { rot_x: float, rot_y: float, rot_z: float } pitch, yaw, roll values for plot orientation in degrees.

  • show_legendbool; whether to show the legend in the plot capture. Default value is True.




Get all annotations of a specific type in the current Virtualitics Explore project.


a_typevip_annotation.AnnotationType The desired type of annotations to retrieve. If set to None, all annotations of all types will be retrieved.




Get all dataset annotations. (optional: limit to a particular dataset, by name)


dataset_namestr (optional) Dataset name of the desired data from which to retrieve annotations.




Get all mapping annotations. (optional: limit to a particular dataset, by name)


dataset_namestr (optional) Dataset name of the desired data from which to retrieve annotations.




Get all object annotations. (optional: limit to a particular object, by id)


object_idstr (optional) Object ID of the desired object from which to retrieve annotations.




Get all point annotations. (optional: limit to a particular dataset, by name)


dataset_namestr (optional) Dataset name of the desired data from which to retrieve annotations.




Gets the column named <feature_name> from the currently loaded dataset


feature_name – Name of column to get




Gets the basic information and stats for a column named <feature_name> from the currently loaded dataset.


feature_name – Name of the column to get stats for.


dict Dictionary of column information & stats.

get_dataset(name=None, visible_points_only=False)

Gets the entire loaded dataset from the software in its current state

  • name – If specified, get the dataset named <name>. Else, gets the currently loaded dataset.

  • visible_points_onlybool Whether to return visible points only or not. Default value is False.



get_legend(color=True, shape=True, groupby=True, background='light')

Returns the legend information from the active dataset in Virtualitics Explore.

  • colorbool Whether to return Color legend information.

  • shapebool Whether to return Shape legend information.

  • groupbybool Whether to return Group By legend information.

  • background – Specify whether to export a plot capture with a light or dark theme, or the current color scheme configured in Virtualitics Explore. Options are {“light”, “dark”, “current”}. Light is used if the value is not specified.




This function fetches the network data for the currently loaded dataset. The data can be returned as an edgelist (pandas.DataFrame) or as a networkx.Graph object. When the data is returned as a networkx.Graph object, it will also encode the additional columns of data that were recorded for each node in the network. By default, the function returns the data as a networkx.Graph object.


as_edgelistbool determining whether to return the data as a pandas.DataFrame.


networkx.Graph object by default. If the as_edgelist is set to True, then this method returns a pandas.DataFrame containing the weighted edgelist.


Returns the Plot or OBJ orientation and position in Virtualitics Explore.




Fetch the VipPlot information for the current plot.


save_to_local_historybool Optionally, save the VipPlot local history.



get_screen(export='ortho', background='light', imsize=(2048, 2048), autocrop=True, path=None, save_to_local_history=True, position=None, orientation=None, show_legend=True)

Exports a snapshot of the visible mapping in Virtualitics Explore and fetches a Plot object. If save_to_local_history is set to True, the VipPlot instance will be appended to the local_history.

  • position – { pos_x: float, pos_y: float, pos_z: float } horizontal, vertical and depth values for plot position in meters.

  • orientation – { rot_x: float, rot_y: float, rot_z: float } pitch, yaw, roll values for plot orientation in degrees.

  • show_legendbool; whether to show the legend in the plot capture. Default value is True.




Returns indices of points visible in Virtualitics Explore in a pandas DataFrame.


pandas.DataFrame with one column containing an indicator of whether each point is currently visible in Virtualitics Explore.


Returns the workflow for the active dataset in Virtualitics Explore.



graph_distance(apply=True, use_color_normalization=True, return_centralities_df=True, export='ortho', background='light', imsize=(2048, 2048), autocrop=True, path=None, save_to_local_history=True, position=None, orientation=None, show_legend=True)

Runs the graph distance algorithms on the visible network that is currently loaded in Virtualitics Explore. The graph distance algorithms include betweenness centrality, closeness centrality, and eccentricity.

  • return_centralities_dfbool determining whether to return a pandas.DataFrame containing the centralities to the caller. Defaults to True.

  • export – Specify whether to export a capture of the plot. Can be None/False or “ortho”, “front”, “side” or “right”, “top”, or “perspective”

  • background – Specify whether to export a plot capture with a light or dark theme, or the current color scheme configured in Virtualitics Explore. Options are {“light”, “dark”, “current”}. Light is used if the value is not specified.

  • imsize – size of the returned dimension; [w, h]. Only used if export is not None. Defaults to (2048, 2048)

  • autocrop – Specify whether to automatically crop the plot capture to remove whitespace

  • path – Filepath to save snapshot; filepath should end with a jpg/jpeg/png/bmp extension

  • save_to_local_historybool; whether to save VipPlot object to this.local_history list. Default value is True.

  • applybool determining whether to apply the betweeenness centrality result to the color dimension. Default is True. When True, color_type is automatically changed to gradient.

  • use_color_normalizationbool determining whether to use softmax color normalization when the betweenness centrality result has been applied to color. Default is True.

  • position – { pos_x: float, pos_y: float, pos_z: float } horizontal, vertical and depth values for plot position in meters.

  • orientation – { rot_x: float, rot_y: float, rot_z: float } pitch, yaw, roll values for plot orientation in degrees.

  • show_legendbool; whether to show the legend in the plot capture. Default value is True.


pandas.DataFrame containing the results of the graph distance algorithms. If return_centralities_df is False, this returns None.


Triggers the global toggle to hide all Annotations in Virtualitics Explore.



hist(x=None, y=None, z=None, color=None, size=None, shape=None, transparency=None, halo=None, halo_highlight=None, pulsation=None, pulsation_highlight=None, playback=None, arrow=None, groupby=None, x_scale=None, y_scale=None, z_scale=None, x_range_min=None, x_range_max=None, x_limit_min=None, x_limit_max=None, x_limit_link=None, y_range_min=None, y_range_max=None, y_limit_min=None, y_limit_max=None, y_limit_link=None, z_range_min=None, z_range_max=None, z_limit_min=None, z_limit_max=None, z_limit_link=None, size_scale=None, transparency_scale=None, halo_scale=None, arrow_scale=None, color_type=None, color_palette_id=None, x_normalization=None, y_normalization=None, z_normalization=None, size_normalization=None, transparency_normalization=None, arrow_normalization=None, export='ortho', background='light', imsize=(2048, 2048), autocrop=True, path=None, save_to_local_history=True, color_bins=None, color_bin_dist=None, color_inverted=False, volume_by=None, x_bins=None, y_bins=None, z_bins=None, name=None, position=None, orientation=None, show_legend=True)

Generates Histogram in Virtualitics Explore. Expects column name or pandas data series dimension parameters.

  • x – X dimension

  • y – Y dimension

  • z – Z dimension

  • color – Color dimension. Automatically uses quartile/categorical coloring.

  • size – Size dimension. Works best with continuous features

  • shape – Shape dimension. Works best with categorical features

  • transparency – Transparency dimension. Works best with continuous features.

  • halo – Halo dimension. Works with binary features

  • halo_highlight – Optionally select a single value of the feature mapped to the Halo dimension. All points with this value will show a halo.

  • pulsation – Pulsation dimension. Works best with categorical features

  • pulsation_highlight – Optionally select a single value of the feature mapped to the Pulsation dimension. All points with this value will pulsate.

  • playback – Playback dimension. Requires user interaction to be activated; otherwise shows all.

  • groupby – Group By dimension. Works with categorical columns.

  • arrow – Arrow dimension. Works with continuous and categorical features. The arrow dimension is not visible for this plot type.

  • x_scale – Scaling factor for X dimension. Value must be between .5 and 10.

  • y_scale – Scaling factor for Y dimension. Value must be between .5 and 10.

  • z_scale – Scaling factor for Z dimension. Value must be between .5 and 10.

  • size_scale – Scaling factor for Size dimension. Value must be between .5 and 10.

  • transparency_scale – Scaling factor for Transparency dimension. Value must be between .5 and 10.

  • halo_scale – Scaling factor for Halo dimension. Value must be between .5 and 10.

  • arrow_scale – Scaling factor for Size dimension. Value must be between .5 and 10.

  • color_type – User can select “bin” or “palette” or None (which uses Virtualitics Explore defaults). For categorical data, the only option is color “palette”. For numeric data, “bin” is the default.

  • color_palette_id – User can select the color palette based on the available palettes for the specified color_type.

  • color_invertedbool controlling the order of colors for all color types.

  • x_normalization – Normalization setting for X. This can only be set if the feature mapped to this dimension is numerical and continuous. The options are “Log10”, “Softmax”, “IHST”

  • y_normalization – Normalization setting for Y.This can only be set if the feature mapped to this dimension is numerical and continuous. The options are “Log10”, “Softmax”, “IHST”

  • z_normalization – Normalization setting for Z. This can only be set if the feature mapped to this dimension is numerical and continuous. The options are “Log10”, “Softmax”, “IHST”

  • size_normalization – Normalization setting for Size. This can only be set if the feature mapped to this dimension is numerical and continuous. The options are “Log10”, “Softmax”, “IHST”

  • transparency_normalization – Normalization setting for Transparency.This can only be set if the feature mapped to this dimension is numerical and continuous. The options are “Log10”, “Softmax”, “IHST”

  • arrow_normalization – Normalization setting for Arrow. This can only be set if the feature mapped to this dimension is numerical and continuous. The options are “Log10”, “Softmax”, “IHST”

  • export – Specify whether to export a capture of the plot. Defaults to “ortho”. Options are {“ortho”, “front”, “right”, “side” (same as “right”), “top”, “perspective”, None, False}.

  • background – Specify whether to export a plot capture with a light or dark theme, or the current color scheme configured in Virtualitics Explore. Options are {“light”, “dark”, “current”}. Light is used if the value is not specified.

  • imsize – size of the returned dimension; [w, h]. Only used if export is not None. Defaults to (2048, 2048)

  • autocrop – Specify whether to automatically crop the plot capture to remove whitespace

  • save_to_local_historybool; whether to save VipPlot object to this.local_history list. Default value is True.

  • path – Filepath to save snapshot; filepath should end with a jpg/jpeg/png/bmp extension

  • color_bins – sets the number of color bins to use. The max number of bins is 16. You must have at least as many unique values (in the column mapped to color) as the number of bins you set.

  • color_bin_diststr with options: {“equal”, “range”}

  • volume_by – setting for metric used for height of histogram bins; {“count”, “avg”, “sum”, “uniform”}

  • x_binsint between 1 and 1000 that sets the number of bins to use in the ‘x’ dimension

  • y_binsint between 1 and 1000 that sets the number of bins to use in the ‘y’ dimension

  • z_binsint between 1 and 1000 that sets the number of bins to use in the ‘z’ dimension

  • namestr specifying the name of the plot. Default to None. A name will be automatically generated in Virtualitics Explore.

  • position – { pos_x: float, pos_y: float, pos_z: float } horizontal, vertical and depth values for plot position in meters.

  • orientation – { rot_x: float, rot_y: float, rot_z: float } pitch, yaw, roll values for plot orientation in degrees.

  • show_legendbool; whether to show the legend in the plot capture. Default value is True.



history(index=None, name=None, export='ortho', background='light', imsize=(2048, 2048), autocrop=True, path=None, save_to_local_history=True, position=None, orientation=None, show_legend=True)

Allows users to re-plot mappings in Virtualitics Explore’s history entries for the current dataset. The user must specify a desired index (negative indexing is allowed) or pass the name of the desired plot. If there are multiple history entries with the requested name, the last entry with the requested name will be plotted. Users have the ability to rename a plot through the software. The user should not specify an index and a name in the same function call.

  • indexint index to be used on the list of previously created plots through Virtualitics Explore. Default value is None. For the past 1…N plots, access via index=[-1 (latest), -N] or index=[0, N - 1 (latest)].

  • namestr plot name checked against the list of previously created plots through Virtualitics Explore. Default value is None

  • export – Specify whether to export a capture of the plot. Defaults to “ortho”.

  • background – Specify whether to export a plot capture with a light or dark theme, or the current color scheme configured in Virtualitics Explore. Options are {“light”, “dark”, “current”}. Light is used if the value is not specified.

  • imsize – size of the returned dimension; [w, h]. Only used if export is not None. Defaults to (2048, 2048)

  • autocrop – Specify whether to automatically crop the plot capture to remove whitespace

  • path – Filepath to save snapshot; filepath should end with a jpg/jpeg/png/bmp extension

  • save_to_local_historybool; whether to save VipPlot object to this.local_history list. Default value is True.

  • position – { pos_x: float, pos_y: float, pos_z: float } horizontal, vertical and depth values for plot position in meters.

  • orientation – { rot_x: float, rot_y: float, rot_z: float } pitch, yaw, roll values for plot orientation in degrees.

  • show_legendbool; whether to show the legend in the plot capture. Default value is True.




Runs Insights in Virtualitics Explore. Returns a pandas DataFrame containing the requested insights.


insight_type – The type of insights to retrieve. “default”, “standard”, or “network”. Default will automatically choose based on the current dataset type of plot type.



line(x=None, y=None, z=None, show_points=True, color=None, size=None, shape=None, transparency=None, halo=None, halo_highlight=None, pulsation=None, pulsation_highlight=None, playback=None, playback_highlight=None, arrow=None, groupby=None, x_scale=None, y_scale=None, z_scale=None, x_range_min=None, x_range_max=None, x_limit_min=None, x_limit_max=None, x_limit_link=None, y_range_min=None, y_range_max=None, y_limit_min=None, y_limit_max=None, y_limit_link=None, z_range_min=None, z_range_max=None, z_limit_min=None, z_limit_max=None, z_limit_link=None, size_scale=None, transparency_scale=None, halo_scale=None, arrow_scale=None, color_type=None, color_palette_id=None, x_normalization=None, y_normalization=None, z_normalization=None, size_normalization=None, color_normalization=None, transparency_normalization=None, arrow_normalization=None, export='ortho', background='light', imsize=(2048, 2048), autocrop=True, path=None, save_to_local_history=True, color_bins=None, color_bin_dist=None, viewby=None, color_inverted=None, name=None, trend_lines=None, line_plot_point_mode=None, position=None, orientation=None, edge_transparency=None, show_legend=True)

Generates line plot in Virtualitics Explore. Expects column name or pandas data series dimension parameters.

  • x – X dimension

  • y – Y dimension

  • z – Z dimension

  • show_points – Setting for how to view the points. Valid options are {True, False, “show”, “hide”}

  • color – Color dimension. Automatically uses quartile/categorical coloring.

  • size – Size dimension. Works best with continuous features

  • shape – Shape dimension. Works best with categorical features

  • transparency – Transparency dimension. Works best with continuous features.

  • halo – Halo dimension. Works with binary features

  • halo_highlight – Optionally select a single value of the feature mapped to the Halo dimension. All points with this value will show a halo.

  • pulsation – Pulsation dimension. Works best with categorical features

  • pulsation_highlight – Optionally select a single value of the feature mapped to the Pulsation dimension. All points with this value will pulsate.

  • playback – Playback dimension. Requires user interaction to be activated; otherwise shows all.

  • playback_highlight – Optionally select a single value of the feature mapped to the Playback dimension. All points with this value will be shown and all other points will be hidden.

  • arrow – Arrow dimension. Works with continuous and categorical features.

  • groupby – Group By dimension. Works with categorical columns.

  • x_scale – Scaling factor for X dimension. Value must be between .5 and 10.

  • y_scale – Scaling factor for Y dimension. Value must be between .5 and 10.

  • z_scale – Scaling factor for Z dimension. Value must be between .5 and 10.

  • size_scale – Scaling factor for Size dimension. Value must be between .5 and 10.

  • transparency_scale – Scaling factor for Transparency dimension. Value must be between .5 and 10.

  • halo_scale – Scaling factor for Halo dimension. Value must be between .5 and 10.

  • arrow_scale – Scaling factor for Size dimension. Value must be between .5 and 10.

  • color_type – User can select “bin” or “palette” or None (which uses Virtualitics Explore defaults). For categorical data, the only option is color “palette”. For numeric data, “bin” is the default.

  • color_palette_id – User can select the color palette based on the available palettes for the specified color_type.

  • color_invertedbool controlling the order of colors for all color types.

  • x_normalization – Normalization setting for X. This can only be set if the feature mapped to this dimension is numerical and continuous. The options are “Log10”, “Softmax”, “IHST”

  • y_normalization – Normalization setting for Y.This can only be set if the feature mapped to this dimension is numerical and continuous. The options are “Log10”, “Softmax”, “IHST”

  • z_normalization – Normalization setting for Z. This can only be set if the feature mapped to this dimension is numerical and continuous. The options are “Log10”, “Softmax”, “IHST”

  • color_normalization – Normalization setting for Color. This can only be set if the feature mapped to this dimension is numerical and continuous, the color_type is set to “gradient” and the view-by mode is set to “groupby”. The options are “Log10”, “Softmax”, “IHST”

  • size_normalization – Normalization setting for Size. This can only be set if the feature mapped to this dimension is numerical and continuous. The options are “Log10”, “Softmax”, “IHST”

  • transparency_normalization – Normalization setting for Transparency.This can only be set if the feature mapped to this dimension is numerical and continuous. The options are “Log10”, “Softmax”, “IHST”

  • arrow_normalization – Normalization setting for Arrow. This can only be set if the feature mapped to this dimension is numerical and continuous. The options are “Log10”, “Softmax”, “IHST”

  • export – Specify whether to export a capture of the plot. Defaults to “ortho”. Options are {“ortho”, “front”, “right”, “side” (same as “right”), “top”, “perspective”, None, False}.

  • background – Specify whether to export a plot capture with a light or dark theme, or the current color scheme configured in Virtualitics Explore. Options are {“light”, “dark”, “current”}. Light is used if the value is not specified.

  • imsize – size of the returned dimension; [w, h]. Only used if export is not None. Defaults to (2048, 2048)

  • autocrop – Specify whether to automatically crop the plot capture to remove whitespace

  • save_to_local_historybool; whether to save VipPlot object to this.local_history list. Default value is True.

  • path – Filepath to save snapshot; filepath should end with a jpg/jpeg/png/bmp extension

  • color_bins – sets the number of color bins to use. The max number of bins is 16. You must have at least as many unique values (in the column mapped to color) as the number of bins you set.

  • color_bin_diststr with options: {“equal”, “range”}

  • viewbystr Specify the line plot series grouping dimension. Options are {“color”, “groupby”}. The default option is “color”

  • namestr specifying the name of the plot. Default to None. A name will be automatically generated in Virtualitics Explore.

  • trend_linesstr specifying whether to build trend lines for the plot, and how they should be broken down. Options: None, Color, GroupBy, All. Note: Trend lines are only available for scatter plot and line plot types.

  • line_plot_point_modestr specifies whether to show or hide points and lines in the line plot visualization.

  • position – { pos_x: float, pos_y: float, pos_z: float } horizontal, vertical and depth values for plot position in meters.

  • orientation – { rot_x: float, rot_y: float, rot_z: float } pitch, yaw, roll values for plot orientation in degrees.

  • edge_transparency – Determines how transparent the edges will be. Fully transparent is 0 and fully opaque is 1.

  • show_legendbool; whether to show the legend in the plot capture. Default value is True.



Link an annotation, by id, to a specificed object or dataset/mapping.

  • idstr ID of the annotation to link.

  • linkedObjectNamestr Name of the object to link to (if linking to an object).

  • linkedObjectIDstr ID of the object to link to (if object name not provided).

  • linkedDatasetNamestr Name of the dataset to link to (if linking to a mapping).

  • linkedMappingIDint ID of the mapping to link to (if linking to a mapping).

  • linkLatestMappingbool Whether to ignore the linkedMappingID and simply link to the latest mapping for the specified dataset.



load_data(data, dataset_name=None)

Loads pandas.DataFrame into Virtualitics Explore. Uses column dtype to determine column type in Virtualitics Explore.

  • datapandas.DataFrame object that contains the users data.

  • dataset_name – optionally pass in a name for this dataset to show in Virtualitics Explore



load_network(network, network_name=None, edge_weight_format='similarity', export='ortho', background='light', imsize=(2048, 2048), autocrop=True, path=None, save_to_local_history=True, edge_transparency=None, show_legend=True)

Loads a network dataset into Virtualitics Explore. Datasets can be loaded as networkx.Graph objects, Virtualitics Explore’s JSON format as a string to a file or Python dictionary, or pandas.DataFrame (for edgelists) objects. The Virtualitics Explore API does not support Adjacency Matrix format. Virtualitics Explore automatically computes structure (community detection and Force Directed Layout - ForceAtlas3D) upon load of the network dataset.

  • network – Can be a networkx.Graph object, pandas.DataFrame containing an edgelist, str of path to JSON file, or dict representing the JSON as a dictionary.

  • network_namestr containing the desired name of the network dataset.

  • edge_weight_formatstr containing edge weight format for this data (given that the data is weighted). “Similarity” should be used when larger edge weights indicate a closer/tighter relationship between the adjacent nodes. “Distance” should be used when larger edge weight represent a looser/weaker relationship between the adjacent nodes.

  • export – Specify whether to export a capture of the plot. Can be None/False or “ortho”, “front”, “side” or “right”, “top”, or “perspective”

  • background – Specify whether to export a plot capture with a light or dark theme, or the current color scheme configured in Virtualitics Explore. Options are {“light”, “dark”, “current”}. Light is used if the value is not specified.

  • imsize – size of the returned dimension; [w, h]. Only used if export is not None. Defaults to (2048, 2048)

  • autocrop – Specify whether to automatically crop the plot capture to remove whitespace

  • path – Filepath to save snapshot; filepath should end with a jpg/jpeg/png/bmp extension

  • save_to_local_historybool; whether to save VipPlot object to this.local_history list. Default value is True.

  • edge_transparency – Determines how transparent the edges will be. Fully transparent is 0 and fully opaque is 1.

  • show_legendbool; whether to show the legend in the plot capture. Default value is True.



load_object(path=None, export='ortho', background='light', imsize=(2048, 2048), autocrop=True, imgPath=None, position=None, orientation=None)

Load an OBJ file into Virtualitics Explore.

  • pathstr Desired path of the OBJ file (must be local to machine running Virtualitics Explore instance).

  • position – { pos_x: float, pos_y: float, pos_z: float } horizontal, vertical and depth values for plot position in meters.

  • orientation – { rot_x: float, rot_y: float, rot_z: float } pitch, yaw, roll values for plot orientation in degrees.

load_project(path, send_project_xml=False)

Loads Virtualitics Explore project file (.vip) into software from a path local to the machine running Virtualitics Explore. Note that any project currently open will be discarded. To save the project first, please use VIP.save_project().

  • pathstr

  • send_project_xmlbool



load_workflow(path=None, workflow_json=None, workflow_name=None)

Loads Virtualitics Explore workflow file into software from a path local to the machine running Virtualitics Explore. Note that any workflow currently open will be discarded. To save the workflow first, please use VIP.save_workflow().

  • pathstr desired path of the workflow file (must be local to machine running Virtualitics Explore instance).

  • workflow_json – object that contains the workflow data.

  • workflow_name – optionally pass in a name for this workflow to show in Virtualitics Explore.



property local_history

This is a list of VipPlot instances that were generated by plotting request methods (e.g. VIP.show(), VIP.hist(), etc.) or AI routine methods (e.g. VIP.smart_mapping(), VIP.pca(), etc.). To control whether a VipPlot object will be added to ‘local_history’, specify the ‘save_to_local_history’ parameter in your plotting/AI routine requests. The ‘local_history’ list is different from the VIP.history() method, which allows the user to access VipPlot objects saved to the Virtualitics Explore History panel.



property log_level

int from 0 to 2. 0: quiet, 1: help, 2: debug. Help level will print messages that guide the user of important internal events. Debug level will print messages that expose a greater level of the internal state, useful for development and debugging purposes. Each level will print what is also printed at lower levels.



maps2d(x=None, y=None, z=None, color=None, size=None, shape=None, transparency=None, halo=None, halo_highlight=None, pulsation=None, pulsation_highlight=None, playback=None, playback_highlight=None, arrow=None, groupby=None, z_scale=None, size_scale=None, transparency_scale=None, halo_scale=None, arrow_scale=None, color_type=None, color_palette_id=None, z_normalization=None, color_normalization=None, x_range_min=None, x_range_max=None, y_range_min=None, y_range_max=None, z_range_min=None, z_range_max=None, size_normalization=None, transparency_normalization=None, arrow_normalization=None, export='front', background='light', imsize=(2048, 2048), autocrop=True, path=None, save_to_local_history=True, map_provider='ArcGIS', map_style='default', heatmap_enabled=False, heatmap_intensity=None, heatmap_radius=None, heatmap_radius_unit=None, heatmap_feature=False, return_data=False, color_bins=None, color_bin_dist=None, color_inverted=None, name=None, edge_transparency=None, show_legend=True)

Generates 2D Map plot in Virtualitics Explore. Expects column name or pandas data series dimension parameters.

  • x – X dimension

  • y – Y dimension

  • z – Z dimension

  • color – Color dimension. Automatically uses quartile/categorical coloring.

  • size – Size dimension. Works best with continuous features

  • shape – Shape dimension. Works best with categorical features

  • transparency – Transparency dimension. Works best with continuous features.

  • halo – Halo dimension. Works with binary features

  • halo_highlight – Optionally select a single value of the feature mapped to the Halo dimension. All points with this value will show a halo.

  • pulsation – Pulsation dimension. Works best with categorical features

  • pulsation_highlight – Optionally select a single value of the feature mapped to the Pulsation dimension. All points with this value will pulsate.

  • playback – Playback dimension. Requires user interaction to be activated; otherwise shows all.

  • playback_highlight – Optionally select a single value of the feature mapped to the Playback dimension. All points with this value will be shown and all other points will be hidden.

  • groupby – Group By dimension. Works with categorical columns.

  • arrow – Arrow dimension. Works with continuous and categorical features. The arrow dimension is not visible for this plot type.

  • z_scale – Scaling factor for Z dimension. Value must be between .5 and 10.

  • size_scale – Scaling factor for Size dimension. Value must be between .5 and 10.

  • transparency_scale – Scaling factor for Transparency dimension. Value must be between .5 and 10.

  • halo_scale – Scaling factor for Halo dimension. Value must be between .5 and 10.

  • arrow_scale – Scaling factor for Size dimension. Value must be between .5 and 10.

  • color_type – User can select “gradient”, “bin”, or “palette” or None (which uses Virtualitics Explore defaults). For categorical data, the only option is color “palette”. For numeric data, “bin” is the default but “gradient” can also be used.

  • color_palette_id – User can select the color palette based on the available palettes for the specified color_type.

  • color_invertedbool controlling the order of colors for all color types.

  • z_normalization – Normalization setting for Z. This can only be set if the feature mapped to this dimension is numerical and continuous. The options are “Log10”, “Softmax”, “IHST”

  • color_normalization – Normalization setting for color. This can only be set if the color type is set to “Gradient”. The options are “Log10”, “Softmax”, “IHST”

  • size_normalization – Normalization setting for Size. This can only be set if the feature mapped to this dimension is numerical and continuous. The options are “Log10”, “Softmax”, “IHST”

  • transparency_normalization – Normalization setting for Transparency.This can only be set if the feature mapped to this dimension is numerical and continuous. The options are “Log10”, “Softmax”, “IHST”

  • arrow_normalization – Normalization setting for Arrow. This can only be set if the feature mapped to this dimension is numerical and continuous. The options are “Log10”, “Softmax”, “IHST”

  • export – Specify whether to export a capture of the plot. Defaults to “ortho”. Options are {“ortho”, “front”, “right”, “side” (same as “right”), “top”, “perspective”, None, False}.

  • background – Specify whether to export a plot capture with a light or dark theme, or the current color scheme configured in Virtualitics Explore. Options are {“light”, “dark”, “current”}. Light is used if the value is not specified.

  • imsize – size of the returned dimension; [w, h]. Only used if export is not None. Defaults to (2048, 2048)

  • autocrop – Specify whether to automatically crop the plot capture to remove whitespace

  • save_to_local_historybool; whether to save VipPlot object to this.local_history list. Default value is True.

  • path – Filepath to save snapshot; filepath should end with a jpg/jpeg/png/bmp extension

  • map_provider – {“ArcGIS”, “OpenStreetMap”}

  • map_style – depends on the map_provider. See documentation for options.

  • heatmap_enabledbool setting for whether to use heatmap of the mapped data.

  • heatmap_intensityfloat to determine the intensity of the heatmap. heatmap_enabled must be True for this parameter to be used.

  • heatmap_radiusfloat determining the radius of sensitivity for heatmap functionality. heatmap_enabled must be True for this parameter to be used.

  • heatmap_radius_unit – determines the units of the heatmap_radius. Must be a str and one of {“Kilometers”, “Miles”, “NauticalMiles”}. heatmap_enabled must be True for this parameter to be used.

  • heatmap_featurebool to determine whether to compute a heatmap feature (computes density of points).

  • return_databool to determine whether to send back the computed heatmap feature.

  • color_bins – sets the number of color bins to use. The max number of bins is 16. You must have at least as many unique values (in the column mapped to color) as the number of bins you set.

  • color_bin_diststr with options: {“equal”, “range”}

  • namestr specifying the name of the plot. Default to None. A name will be automatically generated in Virtualitics Explore.

  • edge_transparency – Determines how transparent the edges will be. Fully transparent is 0 and fully opaque is 1.

  • show_legendbool; whether to show the legend in the plot capture. Default value is True.


None or pd.DataFrame if return_data is True for heatmap_feature

maps3d(x=None, y=None, z=None, color=None, size=None, shape=None, transparency=None, halo=None, halo_highlight=None, pulsation=None, pulsation_highlight=None, playback=None, playback_highlight=None, groupby=None, arrow=None, z_scale=None, size_scale=None, transparency_scale=None, halo_scale=None, arrow_scale=None, color_type=None, color_palette_id=None, z_normalization=None, color_normalization=None, x_range_min=None, x_range_max=None, y_range_min=None, y_range_max=None, z_range_min=None, z_range_max=None, size_normalization=None, transparency_normalization=None, arrow_normalization=None, export='ortho', background='light', imsize=(2048, 2048), autocrop=True, path=None, save_to_local_history=True, lat_long_lines=True, country_lines=None, country_labels=None, globe_style='natural', heatmap_enabled=False, heatmap_intensity=None, heatmap_radius=None, heatmap_radius_unit=None, heatmap_feature=False, return_data=False, color_bins=None, color_bin_dist=None, color_inverted=None, name=None, position=None, orientation=None, edge_transparency=None, show_legend=True)

Generates 3D Map plot in Virtualitics Explore. Expects column name or pandas data series dimension parameters.

  • x – X dimension

  • y – Y dimension

  • z – Z dimension

  • color – Color dimension. Automatically uses quartile/categorical coloring.

  • size – Size dimension. Works best with continuous features

  • shape – Shape dimension. Works best with categorical features

  • transparency – Transparency dimension. Works best with continuous features.

  • halo – Halo dimension. Works with binary features

  • halo_highlight – Optionally select a single value of the feature mapped to the Halo dimension. All points with this value will show a halo.

  • pulsation – Pulsation dimension. Works best with categorical features

  • pulsation_highlight – Optionally select a single value of the feature mapped to the Pulsation dimension. All points with this value will pulsate.

  • playback – Playback dimension. Requires user interaction to be activated; otherwise shows all.

  • playback_highlight – Optionally select a single value of the feature mapped to the Playback dimension. All points with this value will be shown and all other points will be hidden.

  • arrow – Arrow dimension. Works with continuous and categorical features. The arrow dimension is not visible for this plot type.

  • groupby – Group By dimension. Works with categorical columns.

  • z_scale – Scaling factor for Z dimension. Value must be between .5 and 10.

  • size_scale – Scaling factor for Size dimension. Value must be between .5 and 10.

  • transparency_scale – Scaling factor for Transparency dimension. Value must be between .5 and 10.

  • halo_scale – Scaling factor for Halo dimension. Value must be between .5 and 10.

  • arrow_scale – Scaling factor for Size dimension. Value must be between .5 and 10.

  • color_type – User can select “gradient”, “bin”, or “palette” or None (which uses Virtualitics Explore defaults). For categorical data, the only option is color “palette”. For numeric data, “bin” is the default but “gradient” can also be used.

  • color_palette_id – User can select the color palette based on the available palettes for the specified color_type.

  • color_invertedbool controlling the order of colors for all color types.

  • z_normalization – Normalization setting for Z. This can only be set if the feature mapped to this dimension is numerical and continuous. The options are “Log10”, “Softmax”, “IHST”

  • color_normalization – Normalization setting for color. This can only be set if the color type is set to “Gradient”. The options are “Log10”, “Softmax”, “IHST”

  • size_normalization – Normalization setting for Size. This can only be set if the feature mapped to this dimension is numerical and continuous. The options are “Log10”, “Softmax”, “IHST”

  • transparency_normalization – Normalization setting for Transparency.This can only be set if the feature mapped to this dimension is numerical and continuous. The options are “Log10”, “Softmax”, “IHST”

  • arrow_normalization – Normalization setting for Arrow. This can only be set if the feature mapped to this dimension is numerical and continuous. The options are “Log10”, “Softmax”, “IHST”

  • export – Specify whether to export a capture of the plot. Defaults to “ortho”. Options are {“ortho”, “front”, “right”, “side” (same as “right”), “top”, “perspective”, None, False}.

  • background – Specify whether to export a plot capture with a light or dark theme, or the current color scheme configured in Virtualitics Explore. Options are {“light”, “dark”, “current”}. Light is used if the value is not specified.

  • imsize – size of the returned dimension; [w, h]. Only used if export is not None. Defaults to (2048, 2048)

  • autocrop – Specify whether to automatically crop the plot capture to remove whitespace

  • save_to_local_historybool; whether to save VipPlot object to this.local_history list. Default value is True.

  • path – Filepath to save snapshot; filepath should end with a jpg/jpeg/png/bmp extension

  • lat_long_linesbool visibility setting for Latitude/Longitude lines.

  • country_linesbool visibility setting for country border lines.

  • country_labelsbool visibility setting for country labels.

  • globe_style – {“natural”, “dark”, “black ocean”, “blue ocean”, “gray ocean”, “water color”, “topographic”, “moon”, “night”}

  • heatmap_enabledbool setting for whether to use heatmap of the mapped data.

  • heatmap_intensityfloat to determine the intensity of the heatmap. heatmap_enabled must be True for this parameter to be used.

  • heatmap_radiusfloat determining the radius of sensitivity for heatmap functionality. heatmap_enabled must be True for this parameter to be used.

  • heatmap_radius_unit – determines the units of the heatmap_radius. Must be a str and one of {“Kilometers”, “Miles”, “NauticalMiles”}. heatmap_enabled must be True for this parameter to be used.

  • heatmap_featurebool to determine whether to compute a heatmap feature (computes density of points).

  • return_databool to determine whether to send back the computed heatmap feature.

  • color_bins – sets the number of color bins to use. The max number of bins is 16. You must have at least as many unique values (in the column mapped to color) as the number of bins you set.

  • color_bin_diststr with options: {“equal”, “range”}

  • namestr specifying the name of the plot. Default to None. A name will be automatically generated in Virtualitics Explore.

  • position – { pos_x: float, pos_y: float, pos_z: float } horizontal, vertical and depth values for plot position in meters.

  • orientation – { rot_x: float, rot_y: float, rot_z: float } pitch, yaw, roll values for plot orientation in degrees.

  • edge_transparency – Determines how transparent the edges will be. Fully transparent is 0 and fully opaque is 1.

  • show_legendbool; whether to show the legend in the plot capture. Default value is True.


None or pd.DataFrame if return_data is True for heatmap_feature

network_extractor(node_column, associative_columns, pivot_type='mean', export='ortho', background='light', imsize=(2048, 2048), autocrop=True, path=None, save_to_local_history=True, bypass_warning=False, extraction_type='Categorical', standard_scale=True, position=None, orientation=None, show_legend=True)

Network extractor is a beta functionality (please submit feedback to “support@virtualitics.com”). With this method, you can extract network structures from non-network data. You must specify a column containing entities you would like to use as nodes as the ‘node_column.’ Furthermore, you must specify a list containing at least one column of values that will be used to find associations between the selected nodes. There can be multiple rows of data about any given node. This tool is especially useful for analyzing categorical columns of data.

  • node_columnpandas.Series containing values which will be treated as nodes in a network.

  • associative_columns – [pandas.Series] containing list of columns that will be used to find associations between the nodes.

  • export – Specify whether to export a capture of the plot. Can be None/False or “ortho”, “front”, “side” or “right”, “top”, or “perspective”

  • background – Specify whether to export a plot capture with a light or dark theme, or the current color scheme configured in Virtualitics Explore. Options are {“light”, “dark”, “current”}. Light is used if the value is not specified.

  • imsize – size of the returned dimension; [w, h]. Only used if export is not None. Defaults to (2048, 2048)

  • autocrop – Specify whether to automatically crop the plot capture to remove whitespace

  • path – Filepath to save snapshot; filepath should end with a jpg/jpeg/png/bmp extension

  • save_to_local_historybool; whether to save VipPlot object to this.local_history list. Default value is True.

  • bypass_warningbool; whether to bypass warning from Network Extractor tool that warns the user that the variety and size of the data will require large computational resources and memory. Use with care.

  • extraction_typestr; whether the extraction should be based on Categorical or Numerical associative features.

  • standard_scalebool; whether to scale numerical values with respect to column mean and standard-deviation.

  • position – { pos_x: float, pos_y: float, pos_z: float } horizontal, vertical and depth values for plot position in meters.

  • orientation – { rot_x: float, rot_y: float, rot_z: float } pitch, yaw, roll values for plot orientation in degrees.

  • show_legendbool; whether to show the legend in the plot capture. Default value is True.



network_structure(apply=True, return_structure_df=True, export='ortho', background='light', imsize=(2048, 2048), autocrop=True, path=None, save_to_local_history=True, position=None, orientation=None, show_legend=True)

Runs the network structure algorithms on the visible network that is currently loaded in Virtualitics Explore. Network structure algorithms include community detection and ForceAtlas3D. The results will also included degree and weighted degree results.

  • return_structure_dfbool determining whether to return a pandas.DataFrame containing the structure results to the caller. Defaults to True.

  • export – Specify whether to export a capture of the plot. Can be None/False or “ortho”, “front”, “side” or “right”, “top”, or “perspective”

  • background – Specify whether to export a plot capture with a light or dark theme, or the current color scheme configured in Virtualitics Explore. Options are {“light”, “dark”, “current”}. Light is used if the value is not specified.

  • imsize – size of the returned dimension; [w, h]. Only used if export is not None. Defaults to (2048, 2048)

  • autocrop – Specify whether to automatically crop the plot capture to remove whitespace

  • path – Filepath to save snapshot; filepath should end with a jpg/jpeg/png/bmp extension

  • save_to_local_historybool; whether to save VipPlot object to this.local_history list. Default value is True.

  • applybool determining whether to map the network structure. Default is True.

  • position – { pos_x: float, pos_y: float, pos_z: float } horizontal, vertical and depth values for plot position in meters.

  • orientation – { rot_x: float, rot_y: float, rot_z: float } pitch, yaw, roll values for plot orientation in degrees.

  • show_legendbool; whether to show the legend in the plot capture. Default value is True.


pandas.DataFrame containing the results of the network structure. If return_structure_df is False, this returns None.

normalize(norm_type='Softmax', export='ortho', background='light', imsize=(2048, 2048), autocrop=True, path=None, save_to_local_history=True, position=None, orientation=None)

Normalizes the axis for spatial dimensions in Virtualitics Explore if applicable.

  • norm_type – The type of normalization to apply to the data. Can be “softmax”, “log10”, or “ihst”

  • export – Specify whether to export a capture of the plot. Can be None/False or “ortho”, “front”, “side” or “right”, “top”, or “perspective”

  • background – Specify whether to export a plot capture with a light or dark theme, or the current color scheme configured in Virtualitics Explore. Options are {“light”, “dark”, “current”}. Light is used if the value is not specified.

  • imsize – size of the returned dimension; [w, h]. Only used if export is not None. Defaults to (2048, 2048)

  • autocrop – Specify whether to automatically crop the plot capture to remove whitespace

  • path – Filepath to save snapshot; filepath should end with a jpg/jpeg/png/bmp extension

  • save_to_local_historybool; whether to save VipPlot object to this.local_history list. Default value is True.



pagerank(damping_factor=0.85, apply=True, use_color_normalization=True, return_pagerank_df=True, export='ortho', background='light', imsize=(2048, 2048), autocrop=True, path=None, save_to_local_history=True, position=None, orientation=None, show_legend=True)

Runs PageRank algorithm on the visible network that is currently loaded in Virtualitics Explore.

  • damping_factorfloat between 0 and 1 representing the damping factor for the PageRank algorithm. Defaults to 0.85 which is widely considered a good value. Users are recommended not to change this unless they are familiar with the PageRank algorithm.

  • return_pagerank_df – Whether to return the output of the process to the notebook. Defaults to True.

  • export – Specify whether to export a capture of the plot. Can be None/False or “ortho”, “front”, “side” or “right”, “top”, or “perspective”

  • background – Specify whether to export a plot capture with a light or dark theme, or the current color scheme configured in Virtualitics Explore. Options are {“light”, “dark”, “current”}. Light is used if the value is not specified.

  • imsize – size of the returned dimension; [w, h]. Only used if export is not None. Defaults to (2048, 2048)

  • autocrop – Specify whether to automatically crop the plot capture to remove whitespace

  • path – Filepath to save snapshot; filepath should end with a jpg/jpeg/png/bmp extension

  • save_to_local_historybool; whether to save VipPlot object to this.local_history list. Default value is True.

  • applybool determining whether to apply the pagerank result to the color dimension. Default is True. When True, color_type is automatically changed to gradient.

  • use_color_normalizationbool determining whether to use softmax color normalization when the pagerank result has been applied to color. Default is True.

  • position – { pos_x: float, pos_y: float, pos_z: float } horizontal, vertical and depth values for plot position in meters.

  • orientation – { rot_x: float, rot_y: float, rot_z: float } pitch, yaw, roll values for plot orientation in degrees.

  • show_legendbool; whether to show the legend in the plot capture. Default value is True.


pandas.DataFrame containing the results of the pagerank. If return_pagerank_df is false, this returns None.

pca(num_components, features=None, exclude=None, apply=True, return_components_df=True, export='ortho', background='light', imsize=(2048, 2048), autocrop=True, path=None, save_to_local_history=True, keep_missing_value_columns=True, position=None, orientation=None, show_legend=True)

Runs Principal Component Analysis (PCA) in Virtualitics Explore

  • num_componentsint for the number of principle components to compute from the input data. The number of components must be within [1, 10] and cannot be greater than the number of features to run on.

  • features – List of column names that user wants to analyze

  • exclude – List of column names to exclude in the analysis; this overrides any features listed in the features parameter.

  • return_components_df – Whether to return the output of the process to the notebook. Defaults to True.

  • export – Specify whether to export a capture of the plot. Can be None/False or “ortho”, “front”, “side” or “right”, “top”, or “perspective”

  • background – Specify whether to export a plot capture with a light or dark theme, or the current color scheme configured in Virtualitics Explore. Options are {“light”, “dark”, “current”}. Light is used if the value is not specified.

  • imsize – size of the returned dimension; [w, h]. Only used if export is not None. Defaults to (2048, 2048)

  • autocrop – Specify whether to automatically crop the plot capture to remove whitespace

  • path – Filepath to save snapshot; filepath should end with a jpg/jpeg/png/bmp extension

  • save_to_local_historybool; whether to save VipPlot object to this.local_history list. Default value is True.

  • apply – [Deprecated] bool determining whether to apply the first 3 computed components to the spatial dimensions. Default is True.

  • keep_missing_value_columnsbool for whether to keep features with more than 50% missing values as part of the input for pca. Default is True.

  • position – { pos_x: float, pos_y: float, pos_z: float } horizontal, vertical and depth values for plot position in meters.

  • orientation – { rot_x: float, rot_y: float, rot_z: float } pitch, yaw, roll values for plot orientation in degrees.

  • show_legendbool; whether to show the legend in the plot capture. Default value is True.


if return_data is True, this returns a pandas.DataFrame containing the user specified number of principal components. Otherwise, this returns None.

pca_ad(features=None, exclude=None, return_anomalies_df=True, threshold=1, apply=True, export='ortho', background='light', imsize=(2048, 2048), autocrop=True, path=None, save_to_local_history=True, keep_missing_value_columns=True, position=None, orientation=None, show_legend=True)

Alias to pca_anomaly_detection

  • features – List of column names that user wants to analyze for outliers

  • exclude – List of column names to exclude in the analysis; this overrides any features listed in the features parameter.

  • threshold – Percent threshold on which to classify outliers. Takes values from 0 to 100 exclusive. Defaults to a threshold of 1.

  • return_anomalies_df – Whether to return the output of the process to the notebook. Defaults to True.

  • export – Specify whether to export a capture of the plot. Can be None/False or “ortho”, “front”, “side” or “right”, “top”, or “perspective”

  • background – Specify whether to export a plot capture with a light or dark theme, or the current color scheme configured in Virtualitics Explore. Options are {“light”, “dark”, “current”}. Light is used if the value is not specified.

  • imsize – size of the returned dimension; [w, h]. Only used if export is not None. Defaults to (2048, 2048)

  • autocrop – Specify whether to automatically crop the plot capture to remove whitespace

  • path – Filepath to save snapshot; filepath should end with a jpg/jpeg/png/bmp extension

  • save_to_local_historybool; whether to save VipPlot object to this.local_history list. Default value is True.

  • apply – [Deprecated] bool determining whether to apply the anomaly detection result to the halo dimension. Default is True.

  • keep_missing_value_columnsbool for whether to keep features with more than 50% missing values as part of the input for pca based anomaly detection. Default is True.

  • position – { pos_x: float, pos_y: float, pos_z: float } horizontal, vertical and depth values for plot position in meters.

  • orientation – { rot_x: float, rot_y: float, rot_z: float } pitch, yaw, roll values for plot orientation in degrees.

  • show_legendbool; whether to show the legend in the plot capture. Default value is True.



pca_anomaly_detection(features=None, exclude=None, return_anomalies_df=True, threshold=1, apply=True, export='ortho', background='light', imsize=(2048, 2048), autocrop=True, path=None, save_to_local_history=True, keep_missing_value_columns=True, position=None, orientation=None, show_legend=True)

PCA based Anomaly Detection.

  • features – List of column names that user wants to analyze for outliers

  • exclude – List of column names to exclude in the analysis; this overrides any features listed in the features parameter.

  • threshold – Percent threshold on which to classify outliers. Takes values from 0 to 100 exclusive. Defaults to a threshold of 1.

  • return_anomalies_df – Whether to return the output of the process to the notebook. Defaults to True.

  • export – Specify whether to export a capture of the plot. Can be None/False or “ortho”, “front”, “side” or “right”, “top”, or “perspective”

  • background – Specify whether to export a plot capture with a light or dark theme, or the current color scheme configured in Virtualitics Explore. Options are {“light”, “dark”, “current”}. Light is used if the value is not specified.

  • imsize – size of the returned dimension; [w, h]. Only used if export is not None. Defaults to (2048, 2048)

  • autocrop – Specify whether to automatically crop the plot capture to remove whitespace

  • path – Filepath to save snapshot; filepath should end with a jpg/jpeg/png/bmp extension

  • save_to_local_historybool; whether to save VipPlot object to this.local_history list. Default value is True.

  • apply – [Deprecated] bool determining whether to apply the anomaly detection result to the halo dimension. Default is True.

  • keep_missing_value_columnsbool for whether to keep features with more than 50% missing values as part of the input for pca based anomaly detection. Default is True.

  • position – { pos_x: float, pos_y: float, pos_z: float } horizontal, vertical and depth values for plot position in meters.

  • orientation – { rot_x: float, rot_y: float, rot_z: float } pitch, yaw, roll values for plot orientation in degrees.

  • show_legendbool; whether to show the legend in the plot capture. Default value is True.



plot(plot_type='scatter', x=None, y=None, z=None, color=None, size=None, shape=None, transparency=None, halo=None, halo_highlight=None, pulsation=None, pulsation_highlight=None, playback=None, playback_highlight=None, arrow=None, groupby=None, x_scale=None, y_scale=None, z_scale=None, x_range_min=None, x_range_max=None, x_limit_min=None, x_limit_max=None, x_limit_link=None, y_range_min=None, y_range_max=None, y_limit_min=None, y_limit_max=None, y_limit_link=None, z_range_min=None, z_range_max=None, z_limit_min=None, z_limit_max=None, z_limit_link=None, size_scale=None, transparency_scale=None, halo_scale=None, arrow_scale=None, color_type=None, color_palette_id=None, color_normalization=None, x_normalization=None, y_normalization=None, z_normalization=None, size_normalization=None, transparency_normalization=None, arrow_normalization=None, export='ortho', background='light', imsize=(2048, 2048), autocrop=True, path=None, save_to_local_history=True, color_bins=None, color_bin_dist=None, color_inverted=None, name=None, trend_lines=None, scatter_plot_point_mode=None, line_plot_point_mode=None, viewby=None, edge_transparency=None, show_legend=True)

Requests Virtualitics Explore to make the specified plot. Expects column name or pandas.Series dimension parameters. Plot type is expected to be string.

  • plot_type – {“scatter”, “hist”, “line”, “maps3d”, “maps2d”, “ellipsoid”, “surface”, “convex_hull”}; default is “scatter”

  • x – X dimension

  • y – Y dimension

  • z – Z dimension

  • color – Color dimension. Automatically uses quartile/categorical coloring.

  • size – Size dimension. Works best with continuous features

  • shape – Shape dimension. Works best with categorical features

  • transparency – Transparency dimension. Works best with continuous features.

  • halo – Halo dimension. Works with binary features

  • halo_highlight – Optionally select a single value of the feature mapped to the Halo dimension. All points with this value will show a halo.

  • pulsation – Pulsation dimension. Works best with categorical features

  • pulsation_highlight – Optionally select a single value of the feature mapped to the Pulsation dimension. All points with this value will pulsate.

  • playback – Playback dimension. Requires user interaction to be activated; otherwise shows all.

  • playback_highlight – Optionally select a single value of the feature mapped to the Playback dimension. All points with this value will be shown and all other points will be hidden.

  • arrow – Arrow dimension. Works with continuous and categorical features.

  • groupby – Group By dimension. Works with categorical columns.

  • x_scale – Scaling factor for X dimension. Value must be between .5 and 10.

  • y_scale – Scaling factor for Y dimension. Value must be between .5 and 10.

  • z_scale – Scaling factor for Z dimension. Value must be between .5 and 10.

  • x_range_min – Minimum visible value for the X dimension.

  • x_range_max – Maximum visible value for the X dimension.

  • x_limit_min – Minimum value displayed for the X dimension on the axis/grid box.

  • x_limit_max – Maximum value displayed for the X dimension on the axis/grid box.

  • x_limit_link – Whether limit is locked to range.

  • y_range_min – Minimum visible value for the Y dimension.

  • y_range_max – Maximum visible value for the Y dimension.

  • y_limit_min – Minimum value displayed for the Y dimension on the axis/grid box.

  • y_limit_max – Maximum value displayed for the Y dimension on the axis/grid box.

  • y_limit_link – Whether limit is locked to range.

  • z_range_min – Minimum visible value for the Z dimension.

  • z_range_max – Maximum visible value for the Z dimension.

  • z_limit_min – Minimum value displayed for the Z dimension on the axis/grid box.

  • z_limit_max – Maximum value displayed for the Z dimension on the axis/grid box.

  • z_limit_link – Whether limit is locked to range.

  • size_scale – Scaling factor for Size dimension. Value must be between .5 and 10.

  • transparency_scale – Scaling factor for Transparency dimension. Value must be between .5 and 10.

  • halo_scale – Scaling factor for Halo dimension. Value must be between .5 and 10.

  • arrow_scale – Scaling factor for Size dimension. Value must be between .5 and 10.

  • color_type – User can select “gradient”, “bin”, or “palette” or None (which uses Virtualitics Explore defaults). For categorical data, the only option is color “palette”. For numeric data, “bin” is the default but “gradient” can also be used.

  • color_palette_id – User can select the color palette based on the available palettes for the specified color_type.

  • color_invertedbool controlling the order of colors for all color types.

  • color_normalization – Normalization setting for color. This can only be set if the color type is set to “Gradient”. The options are “Log10”, “Softmax”, “IHST”

  • x_normalization – Normalization setting for X. This can only be set if the feature mapped to this dimension is numerical and continuous. The options are “Log10”, “Softmax”, “IHST”

  • y_normalization – Normalization setting for Y.This can only be set if the feature mapped to this dimension is numerical and continuous. The options are “Log10”, “Softmax”, “IHST”

  • z_normalization – Normalization setting for Z. This can only be set if the feature mapped to this dimension is numerical and continuous. The options are “Log10”, “Softmax”, “IHST”

  • size_normalization – Normalization setting for Size. This can only be set if the feature mapped to this dimension is numerical and continuous. The options are “Log10”, “Softmax”, “IHST”

  • transparency_normalization – Normalization setting for Transparency.This can only be set if the feature mapped to this dimension is numerical and continuous. The options are “Log10”, “Softmax”, “IHST”

  • arrow_normalization – Normalization setting for Arrow. This can only be set if the feature mapped to this dimension is numerical and continuous. The options are “Log10”, “Softmax”, “IHST”

  • export – Specify whether to export a capture of the plot. Defaults to “ortho”. Options are {“ortho”, “front”, “right”, “side” (same as “right”), “top”, “perspective”, None, False}.

  • background – Specify whether to export a plot capture with a light or dark theme, or the current color scheme configured in Virtualitics Explore. Options are {“light”, “dark”, “current”}. Light is used if the value is not specified.

  • imsize – size of the returned dimension; [w, h]. Only used if export is not None. Defaults to (2048, 2048)

  • autocrop – Specify whether to automatically crop the plot capture to remove whitespace

  • save_to_local_historybool; whether to save VipPlot object to this.local_history list. Default value is True.

  • path – Filepath to save snapshot; filepath should end with a jpg/jpeg/png/bmp extension

  • color_bins – sets the number of color bins to use. The max number of bins is 16. You must have at least as many unique values (in the column mapped to color) as the number of bins you set.

  • color_bin_diststr with options: {“equal”, “range”}

  • namestr specifying the name of the plot. Default to None. A name will be automatically generated in Virtualitics Explore.

  • trend_linesstr specifying whether to build trend lines for the plot, and how they should be broken down. Options: None, Color, GroupBy, All. Note: Trend lines are only available for scatter plot and line plot types.

  • scatter_plot_point_modestr specifies whether to show or hide points in a scatter plot visualization. (Only valid for plot_type = ‘scatter_plot’)

  • line_plot_point_modestr specifies whether to show or hide points and lines in a line plot visualization. (Only valid for plot_type = ‘line_plot’)

  • viewbystr specifies which viewby mode (“color” or “groupby”) to use in a line plot visualization. (Only valid for plot_type = ‘line_plot’)

  • edge_transparency – Determines how transparent the edges will be. Fully transparent is 0 and fully opaque is 1.

  • show_legendbool; whether to show the legend in the plot capture. Default value is True.




Gets new columns that were added to the currently loaded dataset since the last invocation of this method. This does not include columns from the initial loading of a dataset (call get_dataset() to access these) or columns created from via ML routines, such as clustering and PCA, that have not been added to the feature list.



refresh_plot(export='ortho', background='light', imsize=(2048, 2048), autocrop=True, path=None, position=None, orientation=None, show_legend=True)

Requests Virtualitics Explore to refresh the current plot. This is the equivalent of pressing the Plot button again. It may be helpful to use this to refresh the visualizations after manipulating or adding data to the active dataset.

  • position – { pos_x: float, pos_y: float, pos_z: float } horizontal, vertical and depth values for plot position in meters.

  • orientation – { rot_x: float, rot_y: float, rot_z: float } pitch, yaw, roll values for plot orientation in degrees.

  • show_legendbool; whether to show the legend in the plot capture. Default value is True.

remove_all_filters(export='ortho', background='light', imsize=(2048, 2048), autocrop=True, path=None, save_to_local_history=True, position=None, orientation=None, show_legend=True)
  • export – Specify whether to export a capture of the plot. Can be None/False or “ortho”, “front”, “side” or “right”, “top”, or “perspective”

  • background – Specify whether to export a plot capture with a light or dark theme, or the current color scheme configured in Virtualitics Explore. Options are {“light”, “dark”, “current”}. Light is used if the value is not specified.

  • imsize – size of the returned dimension; [w, h]. Only used if export is not None. Defaults to (2048, 2048)

  • autocrop – Specify whether to automatically crop the plot capture to remove whitespace

  • path – Filepath to save snapshot; filepath should end with a jpg/jpeg/png/bmp extension

  • save_to_local_historybool; whether to save VipPlot object to this.local_history list. Default value is True.

  • position – { pos_x: float, pos_y: float, pos_z: float } horizontal, vertical and depth values for plot position in meters.

  • orientation – { rot_x: float, rot_y: float, rot_z: float } pitch, yaw, roll values for plot orientation in degrees.

  • show_legendbool; whether to show the legend in the plot capture. Default value is True.



remove_dashboard_tiles(dashboard, guids=None)

Remove a list of dashboards by GUID from a specified VipDashboard.

  • dashboard (VipDashboard) – VipDashboard Dashboard from which to remove tiles.

  • guidsstr[] Array of tile guids to remove from the dashboard.



remove_filter(feature_name, export='ortho', background='light', imsize=(2048, 2048), autocrop=True, path=None, save_to_local_history=True, position=None, orientation=None, show_legend=True)
  • feature_name – Name of feature to remove any filter on if it exists

  • export – Specify whether to export a capture of the plot. Can be None/False or “ortho”, “front”, “side” or “right”, “top”, or “perspective”

  • background – Specify whether to export a plot capture with a light or dark theme, or the current color scheme configured in Virtualitics Explore. Options are {“light”, “dark”, “current”}. Light is used if the value is not specified.

  • imsize – size of the returned dimension; [w, h]. Only used if export is not None. Defaults to (2048, 2048)

  • autocrop – Specify whether to automatically crop the plot capture to remove whitespace

  • path – Filepath to save snapshot; filepath should end with a jpg/jpeg/png/bmp extension

  • save_to_local_historybool; whether to save VipPlot object to this.local_history list. Default value is True.

  • position – { pos_x: float, pos_y: float, pos_z: float } horizontal, vertical and depth values for plot position in meters.

  • orientation – { rot_x: float, rot_y: float, rot_z: float } pitch, yaw, roll values for plot orientation in degrees.

  • show_legendbool; whether to show the legend in the plot capture. Default value is True.




Resets the annotation color back to default.



save_project(filename, overwrite=False)

Saves Virtualitics Explore project to the specified filepath.

  • filename (str) – absolute path to the desired save location.

  • overwritebool that controls whether to write over a file that may exist at the specified path.



save_workflow(filename, overwrite=False)

Saves Virtualitics Explore workflow to the specified filepath.

  • filename (str) – absolute path to the desired save location.

  • overwritebool that controls whether to write over a file that may exist at the specified path.



scatter(x=None, y=None, z=None, color=None, size=None, shape=None, transparency=None, halo=None, halo_highlight=None, pulsation=None, pulsation_highlight=None, playback=None, playback_highlight=None, arrow=None, groupby=None, x_scale=None, y_scale=None, z_scale=None, x_range_min=None, x_range_max=None, x_limit_min=None, x_limit_max=None, x_limit_link=None, y_range_min=None, y_range_max=None, y_limit_min=None, y_limit_max=None, y_limit_link=None, z_range_min=None, z_range_max=None, z_limit_min=None, z_limit_max=None, z_limit_link=None, size_scale=None, transparency_scale=None, halo_scale=None, arrow_scale=None, color_type=None, color_palette_id=None, color_normalization=None, x_normalization=None, y_normalization=None, z_normalization=None, size_normalization=None, transparency_normalization=None, arrow_normalization=None, color_inverted=None, export='ortho', background='light', imsize=(2048, 2048), autocrop=True, path=None, save_to_local_history=True, color_bins=None, color_bin_dist=None, name=None, trend_lines=None, scatter_plot_point_mode=None, position=None, orientation=None, edge_transparency=None, show_legend=True)

Generates scatter plot in Virtualitics Explore. Expects column name or pandas data series dimension parameters.

  • x – X dimension

  • y – Y dimension

  • z – Z dimension

  • color – Color dimension. Automatically uses quartile/categorical coloring.

  • size – Size dimension. Works best with continuous features

  • shape – Shape dimension. Works best with categorical features

  • transparency – Transparency dimension. Works best with continuous features.

  • halo – Halo dimension. Works with binary features

  • halo_highlight – Optionally select a single value of the feature mapped to the Halo dimension. All points with this value will show a halo.

  • pulsation – Pulsation dimension. Works best with categorical features

  • pulsation_highlight – Optionally select a single value of the feature mapped to the Pulsation dimension. All points with this value will pulsate.

  • playback – Playback dimension. Requires user interaction to be activated; otherwise shows all.

  • playback_highlight – Optionally select a single value of the feature mapped to the Playback dimension. All points with this value will be shown and all other points will be hidden.

  • arrow – Arrow dimension. Works with continuous and categorical features.

  • groupby – Group By dimension. Works with categorical columns.

  • x_scale – Scaling factor for X dimension. Value must be between .5 and 10.

  • y_scale – Scaling factor for Y dimension. Value must be between .5 and 10.

  • z_scale – Scaling factor for Z dimension. Value must be between .5 and 10.

  • size_scale – Scaling factor for Size dimension. Value must be between .5 and 10.

  • transparency_scale – Scaling factor for Transparency dimension. Value must be between .5 and 10.

  • halo_scale – Scaling factor for Halo dimension. Value must be between .5 and 10.

  • arrow_scale – Scaling factor for Size dimension. Value must be between .5 and 10.

  • color_type – User can select “gradient”, “bin”, or “palette” or None (which uses Virtualitics Explore defaults). For categorical data, the only option is color “palette”. For numeric data, “bin” is the default but “gradient” can also be used.

  • color_palette_id – User can select the color palette based on the available palettes for the specified color_type.

  • color_normalization – Normalization setting for color. This can only be set if the color type is set to “Gradient”. The options are “Log10”, “Softmax”, “IHST”

  • color_invertedbool controlling the order of colors for all color types.

  • x_normalization – Normalization setting for X. This can only be set if the feature mapped to this dimension is numerical and continuous. The options are “Log10”, “Softmax”, “IHST”

  • y_normalization – Normalization setting for Y.This can only be set if the feature mapped to this dimension is numerical and continuous. The options are “Log10”, “Softmax”, “IHST”

  • z_normalization – Normalization setting for Z. This can only be set if the feature mapped to this dimension is numerical and continuous. The options are “Log10”, “Softmax”, “IHST”

  • size_normalization – Normalization setting for Size. This can only be set if the feature mapped to this dimension is numerical and continuous. The options are “Log10”, “Softmax”, “IHST”

  • transparency_normalization – Normalization setting for Transparency.This can only be set if the feature mapped to this dimension is numerical and continuous. The options are “Log10”, “Softmax”, “IHST”

  • arrow_normalization – Normalization setting for Arrow. This can only be set if the feature mapped to this dimension is numerical and continuous. The options are “Log10”, “Softmax”, “IHST”

  • export – Specify whether to export a capture of the plot. Defaults to “ortho”. Options are {“ortho”, “front”, “right”, “side” (same as “right”), “top”, “perspective”, None, False}.

  • background – Specify whether to export a plot capture with a light or dark theme, or the current color scheme configured in Virtualitics Explore. Options are {“light”, “dark”, “current”}. Light is used if the value is not specified.

  • imsize – size of the returned dimension; [w, h]. Only used if export is not None. Defaults to (2048, 2048)

  • autocrop – Specify whether to automatically crop the plot capture to remove whitespace

  • save_to_local_historybool; whether to save VipPlot object to this.local_history list. Default value is True.

  • path – Filepath to save snapshot; filepath should end with a jpg/jpeg/png/bmp extension

  • color_bins – sets the number of color bins to use. The max number of bins is 16. You must have at least as many unique values (in the column mapped to color) as the number of bins you set.

  • color_bin_diststr with options: {“equal”, “range”}

  • namestr specifying the name of the plot. Default to None. A name will be automatically generated in Virtualitics Explore.

  • trend_linesstr specifies whether to build trend lines for the plot, and how they should be broken down. Options: None, Color, GroupBy, All. Note: Trend lines are only available for scatter plot and line plot types.

  • scatter_plot_point_modestr specifies whether to show or hide points in a scatter plot.

  • position – { pos_x: float, pos_y: float, pos_z: float } horizontal, vertical and depth values for plot position in meters.

  • orientation – { rot_x: float, rot_y: float, rot_z: float } pitch, yaw, roll values for plot orientation in degrees.

  • edge_transparency – Determines how transparent the edges will be. Fully transparent is 0 and fully opaque is 1.

  • show_legendbool; whether to show the legend in the plot capture. Default value is True.



search(search_term=None, features=None, exclude=None, exact_match=False, return_search_df=True, export='ortho', background='light', imsize=(2048, 2048), autocrop=True, path=None, save_to_local_history=True, keep_missing_value_columns=True, position=None, orientation=None, show_legend=True)

Runs Search tool in Virtualitics Explore.

  • search_termstr string to search for in the current dataset.

  • features – List of column names that user wants to include in the search area

  • exclude – List of column names to exclude in the search area; this overrides any features listed in the features parameter.

  • return_search_df – Whether to return the output of the process to the notebook. Defaults to True.

  • export – Specify whether to export a capture of the plot. Can be None/False or “ortho”, “front”, “side” or “right”, “top”, or “perspective”

  • background – Specify whether to export a plot capture with a light or dark theme, or the current color scheme configured in Virtualitics Explore. Options are {“light”, “dark”, “current”}. Light is used if the value is not specified.

  • imsize – size of the returned dimension; [w, h]. Only used if export is not None. Defaults to (2048, 2048)

  • autocrop – Specify whether to automatically crop the plot capture to remove whitespace

  • path – Filepath to save snapshot; filepath should end with a jpg/jpeg/png/bmp extension

  • save_to_local_historybool; whether to save VipPlot object to this.local_history list. Default value is True.

  • keep_missing_value_columnsbool for whether to keep features with more than 50% missing values as part of the input for Search. Default is True.

  • position – { pos_x: float, pos_y: float, pos_z: float } horizontal, vertical and depth values for plot position in meters.

  • orientation – { rot_x: float, rot_y: float, rot_z: float } pitch, yaw, roll values for plot orientation in degrees.

  • show_legendbool; whether to show the legend in the plot capture. Default value is True.


pandas.DataFrame containing the results of the search. If return_data is false, this returns None.

set_annotation_color(id, windowColor=None, textColor=None)

Set the window and/or text color of an annotation.

  • id (str) – str Annotation id provided by Virtualitics Explore.

  • windowColorstr The color of the header in the annotation window, represented as an HTML color string (i.e. FF0000 for RED)

  • textColorstr The color of the header text in the annotation, represented as an HTML color string (i.e. FF0000 for RED)



set_annotation_dimensions(id, width, height)

Set the dimensions for an annotation.

  • id (str) – str id of the annotation to position.

  • width (float) – float width as a ratio of screen size.

  • height (float) – float height as a ratio of screen size.



set_annotation_position(id, posX, posY)

Set the screen position of an annotation.

  • id (str) – str id of the annotation to position.

  • posX (float) – float Screen X position, normalized 0.0-1.0 (left to right). Values outside of this range will results in off-screen annotations.

  • posY (float) – float Screen Y position, normalized 0.0-1.0 (bottom to top). Values outside of this range will results in off-screen annotations.




Sets the camera angle in Virtualitics Explore (does not effect export camera angle).


anglestr controlling camera angle in Virtualitics Explore. {“Default”, “Top”, “Front”, “Side”}




Sets the current VipDashboard in the dashboard window in Virtualitics Explore, based on the specified GUID.


guidstr The GUID of the dashboard to activate.



set_gridbox_tickmarks_view(gridbox=None, tickmarks=None)

Sets the visibility of the gridbox and tickmarks. Expects one or both of gridbox and tickmarks to be not None.

  • gridboxbool controlling visibility of gridbox. True sets to “show”, False sets to “hide”

  • tickmarksbool controlling visibility of tickmarks. True sets to “show”, False sets to “hide’




Shortcut method for set_object_mode.


Sets the current mode (object or plot) if possible.


mode (str) – str Desired mode, object or plot.


Updates optimization mode of software by setting the shape options render mode.


render_modestr to set the shape options (formerly point render) mode. Can be { “Default”, “2D”, “Points”, “Point Cloud”, or “PointCloud”}. The “Default” case yields 2D billboard rendering of the data points.



show(plot, display=True, save_to_local_history=True, export='ortho', background='light', imsize=(2048, 2048), autocrop=True, path=None, position=None, orientation=None, show_legend=True)

Recreates a plot in Virtualitics Explore from a VipPlot instance.

  • plot (VipPlot) – VipPlot instance that contains all important details to send to Virtualitics Explore

  • displaybool flag for whether to show this plot to the user

  • save_to_local_historybool; whether to save VipPlot object to this.local_history list. Default value is True.

  • export – Specify whether to export a capture of the plot. defaults to “ortho”. If the plot type is “MAPS2D”, the export setting will be set to “front” regardless of requested parameter, unless the user passes None/False.

  • background – Specify whether to export a plot capture with a light or dark theme, or the current color scheme configured in Virtualitics Explore. Options are {“light”, “dark”, “current”}. Light is used if the value is not specified.

  • imsize – size of the returned dimension; [w, h]. Only used if export is not None. Defaults to (2048, 2048)

  • autocrop – Specify whether to automatically crop the plot capture to remove whitespace

  • path – Filepath to save snapshot; filepath should end with a jpg/jpeg/png/bmp extension

  • position – { pos_x: float, pos_y: float, pos_z: float } horizontal, vertical and depth values for plot position in meters.

  • orientation – { rot_x: float, rot_y: float, rot_z: float } pitch, yaw, roll values for plot orientation in degrees.

  • show_legendbool; whether to show the legend in the plot capture. Default value is True.




Triggers the global toggle to show all Annotations in Virtualitics Explore.



smart_mapping(target, features=None, exclude=None, export='ortho', background='light', imsize=(2048, 2048), autocrop=True, return_results_df=False, path=None, save_to_local_history=True, keep_missing_value_columns=True, position=None, orientation=None, show_legend=True)

Runs smart mapping in Virtualitics Explore.

  • target – Target column that the user wants to find insights about; this feature will be dropped automatically from Smart Mapping input regardless of what is listed in the features and exclude parameters.

  • features – List of column names that user wants to analyze in comparison to target

  • exclude – List of column names to exclude in the analysis; this overrides any features listed in the features parameter.

  • return_results_dfbool for whether to return the feature ranking and correlation groups pd.DataFrame. The default is False; in which case the head of the feature ranking pd.DataFrame is displayed.

  • export – Specify whether to export a capture of the plot. Can be None/False or “ortho”, “front”, “side” or “right”, “top”, or “perspective”

  • background – Specify whether to export a plot capture with a light or dark theme, or the current color scheme configured in Virtualitics Explore. Options are {“light”, “dark”, “current”}. Light is used if the value is not specified.

  • imsize – size of the returned dimension; [w, h]. Only used if export is not None. Defaults to (2048, 2048)

  • autocrop – Specify whether to automatically crop the plot capture to remove whitespace

  • path – Filepath to save snapshot; filepath should end with a jpg/jpeg/png/bmp extension

  • save_to_local_historybool; whether to save VipPlot object to this.local_history list. Default value is True.

  • keep_missing_value_columnsbool for whether to keep features with more than 50% missing values as part of the input for smart mapping. Default is True.

  • position – { pos_x: float, pos_y: float, pos_z: float } horizontal, vertical and depth values for plot position in meters.

  • orientation – { rot_x: float, rot_y: float, rot_z: float } pitch, yaw, roll values for plot orientation in degrees.

  • show_legendbool; whether to show the legend in the plot capture. Default value is True.


if ‘return_results_df’ is True, this returns the feature importance and correlation groups of the input features as a pd.DataFrame.


Runs statistics in Virtualitics Explore




Alias for statistics

surface(show_points=False, x=None, y=None, z=None, color=None, size=None, shape=None, transparency=None, halo=None, halo_highlight=None, pulsation=None, pulsation_highlight=None, playback=None, playback_highlight=None, arrow=None, groupby=None, x_scale=None, y_scale=None, z_scale=None, x_range_min=None, x_range_max=None, x_limit_min=None, x_limit_max=None, x_limit_link=None, y_range_min=None, y_range_max=None, y_limit_min=None, y_limit_max=None, y_limit_link=None, z_range_min=None, z_range_max=None, z_limit_min=None, z_limit_max=None, z_limit_link=None, size_scale=None, transparency_scale=None, halo_scale=None, arrow_scale=None, color_type=None, color_palette_id=None, color_normalization=None, x_normalization=None, y_normalization=None, z_normalization=None, size_normalization=None, transparency_normalization=None, arrow_normalization=None, export='ortho', background='light', imsize=(2048, 2048), autocrop=True, path=None, save_to_local_history=True, color_bins=None, color_bin_dist=None, color_inverted=None, name=None, position=None, orientation=None, show_legend=True)

Generates Surface plot in Virtualitics Explore. Expects column name or pandas data series dimension parameters.

  • show_points – Setting for how to view the surface. Valid options are {True, False, “show”, “hide”}

  • x – X dimension

  • y – Y dimension

  • z – Z dimension

  • color – Color dimension. Automatically uses quartile/categorical coloring.

  • size – Size dimension. Works best with continuous features

  • shape – Shape dimension. Works best with categorical features

  • transparency – Transparency dimension. Works best with continuous features.

  • halo – Halo dimension. Works with binary features

  • halo_highlight – Optionally select a single value of the feature mapped to the Halo dimension. All points with this value will show a halo.

  • pulsation – Pulsation dimension. Works best with categorical features

  • pulsation_highlight – Optionally select a single value of the feature mapped to the Pulsation dimension. All points with this value will pulsate.

  • playback – Playback dimension. Requires user interaction to be activated; otherwise shows all.

  • playback_highlight – Optionally select a single value of the feature mapped to the Playback dimension. All points with this value will be shown and all other points will be hidden.

  • arrow – Arrow dimension. Works with continuous and categorical features.

  • groupby – Group By dimension. Works with categorical columns.

  • x_scale – Scaling factor for X dimension. Value must be between .5 and 10.

  • y_scale – Scaling factor for Y dimension. Value must be between .5 and 10.

  • z_scale – Scaling factor for Z dimension. Value must be between .5 and 10.

  • size_scale – Scaling factor for Size dimension. Value must be between .5 and 10.

  • transparency_scale – Scaling factor for Transparency dimension. Value must be between .5 and 10.

  • halo_scale – Scaling factor for Halo dimension. Value must be between .5 and 10.

  • arrow_scale – Scaling factor for Size dimension. Value must be between .5 and 10.

  • color_type – User can select “gradient”, “bin”, or “palette” or None (which uses Virtualitics Explore defaults). For categorical data, the only option is color “palette”. For numeric data, “bin” is the default but “gradient” can also be used.

  • color_palette_id – User can select the color palette based on the available palettes for the specified color_type.

  • color_invertedbool controlling the order of colors for all color types.

  • color_normalization – Normalization setting for color. This can only be set if the color type is set to “Gradient”. The options are “Log10”, “Softmax”, “IHST”

  • x_normalization – Normalization setting for X. This can only be set if the feature mapped to this dimension is numerical and continuous. The options are “Log10”, “Softmax”, “IHST”

  • y_normalization – Normalization setting for Y.This can only be set if the feature mapped to this dimension is numerical and continuous. The options are “Log10”, “Softmax”, “IHST”

  • z_normalization – Normalization setting for Z. This can only be set if the feature mapped to this dimension is numerical and continuous. The options are “Log10”, “Softmax”, “IHST”

  • size_normalization – Normalization setting for Size. This can only be set if the feature mapped to this dimension is numerical and continuous. The options are “Log10”, “Softmax”, “IHST”

  • transparency_normalization – Normalization setting for Transparency.This can only be set if the feature mapped to this dimension is numerical and continuous. The options are “Log10”, “Softmax”, “IHST”

  • arrow_normalization – Normalization setting for Arrow. This can only be set if the feature mapped to this dimension is numerical and continuous. The options are “Log10”, “Softmax”, “IHST”

  • export – Specify whether to export a capture of the plot. Defaults to “ortho”. Options are {“ortho”, “front”, “right”, “side” (same as “right”), “top”, “perspective”, None, False}.

  • background – Specify whether to export a plot capture with a light or dark theme, or the current color scheme configured in Virtualitics Explore. Options are {“light”, “dark”, “current”}. Light is used if the value is not specified.

  • imsize – size of the returned dimension; [w, h]. Only used if export is not None. Defaults to (2048, 2048)

  • autocrop – Specify whether to automatically crop the plot capture to remove whitespace

  • path – Filepath to save snapshot; filepath should end with a jpg/jpeg/png/bmp extension

  • save_to_local_historybool; whether to save VipPlot object to this.local_history list. Default value is True.

  • color_bins – sets the number of color bins to use. The max number of bins is 16. You must have at least as many unique values (in the column mapped to color) as the number of bins you set.

  • color_bin_diststr with options: {“equal”, “range”}

  • namestr specifying the name of the plot. Default to None. A name will be automatically generated in Virtualitics Explore.

  • position – { pos_x: float, pos_y: float, pos_z: float } horizontal, vertical and depth values for plot position in meters.

  • orientation – { rot_x: float, rot_y: float, rot_z: float } pitch, yaw, roll values for plot orientation in degrees.

  • show_legendbool; whether to show the legend in the plot capture. Default value is True.




Switches Dataset context in Virtualitics Explore.


name (str) – str for the name of the dataset or network to bring into context.




Shortcut for switch_object method.


Switches the current Object context in Virtualitics Explore.


id (str) – str id of the object (as provided by Virtualitics Explore).



threshold_ad(features=None, exclude=None, return_anomalies_df=True, threshold=1, apply=True, export='ortho', background='light', imsize=(2048, 2048), autocrop=True, path=None, save_to_local_history=True, keep_missing_value_columns=True, position=None, orientation=None, show_legend=True)

Alias to pca_anomaly_detection

  • features – List of column names that user wants to analyze for outliers

  • exclude – List of column names to exclude in the analysis; this overrides any features listed in the features parameter.

  • threshold – Percent threshold on which to classify outliers. Takes values from 0 to 100 exclusive. Defaults to a threshold of 1.

  • return_anomalies_df – Whether to return the output of the process to the notebook. Defaults to True.

  • export – Specify whether to export a capture of the plot. Can be None/False or “ortho”, “front”, “side” or “right”, “top”, or “perspective”

  • background – Specify whether to export a plot capture with a light or dark theme, or the current color scheme configured in Virtualitics Explore. Options are {“light”, “dark”, “current”}. Light is used if the value is not specified.

  • imsize – size of the returned dimension; [w, h]. Only used if export is not None. Defaults to (2048, 2048)

  • autocrop – Specify whether to automatically crop the plot capture to remove whitespace

  • path – Filepath to save snapshot; filepath should end with a jpg/jpeg/png/bmp extension

  • save_to_local_historybool; whether to save VipPlot object to this.local_history list. Default value is True.

  • apply – [Deprecated] bool determining whether to apply the anomaly detection result to the halo dimension. Default is True.

  • keep_missing_value_columnsbool for whether to keep features with more than 50% missing values as part of the input for pca based anomaly detection. Default is True.

  • position – { pos_x: float, pos_y: float, pos_z: float } horizontal, vertical and depth values for plot position in meters.

  • orientation – { rot_x: float, rot_y: float, rot_z: float } pitch, yaw, roll values for plot orientation in degrees.

  • show_legendbool; whether to show the legend in the plot capture. Default value is True.



threshold_anomaly_detection(features=None, exclude=None, return_anomalies_df=True, threshold=1, apply=True, export='ortho', background='light', imsize=(2048, 2048), autocrop=True, path=None, save_to_local_history=True, keep_missing_value_columns=True, position=None, orientation=None, show_legend=True)

Alias to pca_anomaly_detection

  • features – List of column names that user wants to analyze for outliers

  • exclude – List of column names to exclude in the analysis; this overrides any features listed in the features parameter.

  • threshold – Percent threshold on which to classify outliers. Takes values from 0 to 100 exclusive. Defaults to a threshold of 1.

  • return_anomalies_df – Whether to return the output of the process to the notebook. Defaults to True.

  • export – Specify whether to export a capture of the plot. Can be None/False or “ortho”, “front”, “side” or “right”, “top”, or “perspective”

  • background – Specify whether to export a plot capture with a light or dark theme, or the current color scheme configured in Virtualitics Explore. Options are {“light”, “dark”, “current”}. Light is used if the value is not specified.

  • imsize – size of the returned dimension; [w, h]. Only used if export is not None. Defaults to (2048, 2048)

  • autocrop – Specify whether to automatically crop the plot capture to remove whitespace

  • path – Filepath to save snapshot; filepath should end with a jpg/jpeg/png/bmp extension

  • save_to_local_historybool; whether to save VipPlot object to this.local_history list. Default value is True.

  • apply – [Deprecated] bool determining whether to apply the anomaly detection result to the halo dimension. Default is True.

  • keep_missing_value_columnsbool for whether to keep features with more than 50% missing values as part of the input for pca based anomaly detection. Default is True.

  • position – { pos_x: float, pos_y: float, pos_z: float } horizontal, vertical and depth values for plot position in meters.

  • orientation – { rot_x: float, rot_y: float, rot_z: float } pitch, yaw, roll values for plot orientation in degrees.

  • show_legendbool; whether to show the legend in the plot capture. Default value is True.




Shortcut method for toggle_object_mode.


Toggles the current mode (object or plot) if possible.

violin(x=None, y=None, z=None, color=None, size=None, shape=None, transparency=None, halo=None, halo_highlight=None, pulsation=None, pulsation_highlight=None, playback=None, playback_highlight=None, arrow=None, groupby=None, x_scale=None, y_scale=None, z_scale=None, x_range_min=None, x_range_max=None, x_limit_min=None, x_limit_max=None, x_limit_link=None, y_range_min=None, y_range_max=None, y_limit_min=None, y_limit_max=None, y_limit_link=None, z_range_min=None, z_range_max=None, z_limit_min=None, z_limit_max=None, z_limit_link=None, size_scale=None, transparency_scale=None, halo_scale=None, arrow_scale=None, color_type=None, color_palette_id=None, color_normalization=None, x_normalization=None, y_normalization=None, z_normalization=None, size_normalization=None, transparency_normalization=None, arrow_normalization=None, export='ortho', background='light', imsize=(2048, 2048), autocrop=True, path=None, save_to_local_history=True, color_bins=None, color_bin_dist=None, color_inverted=None, name=None, position=None, orientation=None, edge_transparency=None, show_legend=True)

Generates violin plot in Virtualitics Explore. Expects column name or pandas data series dimension parameters.

  • x – X dimension

  • y – Y dimension

  • z – Z dimension

  • color – Color dimension. Automatically uses quartile/categorical coloring.

  • size – Size dimension. Works best with continuous features

  • shape – Shape dimension. Works best with categorical features

  • transparency – Transparency dimension. Works best with continuous features.

  • halo – Halo dimension. Works with binary features

  • halo_highlight – Optionally select a single value of the feature mapped to the Halo dimension. All points with this value will show a halo.

  • pulsation – Pulsation dimension. Works best with categorical features

  • pulsation_highlight – Optionally select a single value of the feature mapped to the Pulsation dimension. All points with this value will pulsate.

  • playback – Playback dimension. Requires user interaction to be activated; otherwise shows all.

  • playback_highlight – Optionally select a single value of the feature mapped to the Playback dimension. All points with this value will be shown and all other points will be hidden.

  • arrow – Arrow dimension. Works with continuous and categorical features.

  • groupby – Group By dimension. Works with categorical columns.

  • x_scale – Scaling factor for X dimension. Value must be between .5 and 10.

  • y_scale – Scaling factor for Y dimension. Value must be between .5 and 10.

  • z_scale – Scaling factor for Z dimension. Value must be between .5 and 10.

  • size_scale – Scaling factor for Size dimension. Value must be between .5 and 10.

  • transparency_scale – Scaling factor for Transparency dimension. Value must be between .5 and 10.

  • halo_scale – Scaling factor for Halo dimension. Value must be between .5 and 10.

  • arrow_scale – Scaling factor for Size dimension. Value must be between .5 and 10.

  • color_type – User can select “gradient”, “bin”, or “palette” or None (which uses Virtualitics Explore defaults). For categorical data, the only option is color “palette”. For numeric data, “bin” is the default but “gradient” can also be used.

  • color_palette_id – User can select the color palette based on the available palettes for the specified color_type.

  • color_invertedbool controlling the order of colors for all color types.

  • color_normalization – Normalization setting for color. This can only be set if the color type is set to “Gradient”. The options are “Log10”, “Softmax”, “IHST”

  • x_normalization – Normalization setting for X. This can only be set if the feature mapped to this dimension is numerical and continuous. The options are “Log10”, “Softmax”, “IHST”

  • y_normalization – Normalization setting for Y.This can only be set if the feature mapped to this dimension is numerical and continuous. The options are “Log10”, “Softmax”, “IHST”

  • z_normalization – Normalization setting for Z. This can only be set if the feature mapped to this dimension is numerical and continuous. The options are “Log10”, “Softmax”, “IHST”

  • size_normalization – Normalization setting for Size. This can only be set if the feature mapped to this dimension is numerical and continuous. The options are “Log10”, “Softmax”, “IHST”

  • transparency_normalization – Normalization setting for Transparency.This can only be set if the feature mapped to this dimension is numerical and continuous. The options are “Log10”, “Softmax”, “IHST”

  • arrow_normalization – Normalization setting for Arrow. This can only be set if the feature mapped to this dimension is numerical and continuous. The options are “Log10”, “Softmax”, “IHST”

  • export – Specify whether to export a capture of the plot. Defaults to “ortho”. Options are {“ortho”, “front”, “right”, “side” (same as “right”), “top”, “perspective”, None, False}.

  • background – Specify whether to export a plot capture with a light or dark theme, or the current color scheme configured in Virtualitics Explore. Options are {“light”, “dark”, “current”}. Light is used if the value is not specified.

  • imsize – size of the returned dimension; [w, h]. Only used if export is not None. Defaults to (2048, 2048)

  • autocrop – Specify whether to automatically crop the plot capture to remove whitespace

  • save_to_local_historybool; whether to save VipPlot object to this.local_history list. Default value is True.

  • path – Filepath to save snapshot; filepath should end with a jpg/jpeg/png/bmp extension

  • color_bins – sets the number of color bins to use. The max number of bins is 16. You must have at least as many unique values (in the column mapped to color) as the number of bins you set.

  • color_bin_diststr with options: {“equal”, “range”}

  • namestr specifying the name of the plot. Default to None. A name will be automatically generated in Virtualitics Explore.

  • position – { pos_x: float, pos_y: float, pos_z: float } horizontal, vertical and depth values for plot position in meters.

  • orientation – { rot_x: float, rot_y: float, rot_z: float } pitch, yaw, roll values for plot orientation in degrees.

  • edge_transparency – Determines how transparent the edges will be. Fully transparent is 0 and fully opaque is 1.

  • show_legendbool; whether to show the legend in the plot capture. Default value is True.




class virtualitics.vip_plot.VipPlot(data_set_name=None, plot_type='scatter', x=None, y=None, z=None, color=None, size=None, shape=None, transparency=None, halo=None, halo_highlight=None, pulsation=None, pulsation_highlight=None, playback=None, playback_highlight=None, arrow=None, groupby=None, x_scale=None, y_scale=None, z_scale=None, x_range_min=None, x_range_max=None, x_limit_min=None, x_limit_max=None, x_limit_link=None, y_range_min=None, y_range_max=None, y_limit_min=None, y_limit_max=None, y_limit_link=None, z_range_min=None, z_range_max=None, z_limit_min=None, z_limit_max=None, z_limit_link=None, size_scale=None, transparency_scale=None, halo_scale=None, arrow_scale=None, color_type=None, color_palette_id=None, color_normalization=None, x_normalization=None, y_normalization=None, z_normalization=None, size_normalization=None, transparency_normalization=None, arrow_normalization=None, show_points=None, confidence=None, map_mode=None, globe_style=None, lat_long_lines=None, country_lines=None, country_labels=None, heatmap_enabled=None, heatmap_intensity=None, heatmap_radius=None, heatmap_radius_unit=None, map_provider=None, map_style=None, color_bins=None, color_bin_dist=None, hist_volume_by=None, viewby=None, x_bins=None, y_bins=None, z_bins=None, color_inverted=None, log_level=0, name=None, trend_lines=None, scatter_plot_point_mode=None, line_plot_point_mode=None, _dataset_type=None, edge_transparency=None)

The plot class contains all essential details of a plot in Virtualitics Explore.

property arrow

Arrow dimension (Extra dimension). Should be set to str of the feature name to be mapped to arrow dimension in Virtualitics Explore. If a pandas.Series is passed, the name attribute will be used and must match a feature name in the specified dataset in Virtualitics Explore. Default is None which implies that arrow dimension will not be mapped.



property arrow_normalization

Arrow normalization setting. Must be set str and match with one of the normalization options listed here: {“softmax”, “Log10”, “IHST”, None}. Arrow normalization is only applicable when ‘arrow’ dimension has been mapped. Default is ‘None’ which implies that normalization will not be applied to the ‘arrow’ dimension.



property arrow_scale

Arrow scale setting. Must be set to float with value between .5 and 10. Default value ‘None’ leaves Virtualitics Explore to default scaling value.



property color

Color dimension (appearance dimension). Should be set to str of the feature name to be mapped to color dimension in Virtualitics Explore. If a pandas.Series is passed, the name attribute will be used and must match a feature name in the specified dataset in Virtualitics Explore. Default is None which implies that color dimension will not be mapped. Default color type depends on column type (continuous or categorical).


str feature name to map to color dimension

property color_bin_dist

Color bin distribution setting. Must be a str that matches one of {“equal”, “range}. Default of ‘None’ leaves the color bin distribution in Virtualitics Explore as default (‘equal’). Color bin distribution is only applicable when a feature has been mapped ‘color’



property color_bins

Color bin setting. Must be set to int between 1 and 16. The color bin setting is only applicable when ‘color’ dimension has been mapped. Default value of ‘None’ will set color bins to the min(unique values of the feature mapped to color, 4).



property color_inverted

Color Inversion state. Must be a bool. Default of False leaves the color bins, palette, or gradient as is. Value of True inverts the color order regardless of color type. Color inversion is only applicable when a feature has been mapped to ‘color’



property color_normalization

Color normalization setting. Must be set str and match with one of the Normalization options listed here: {“Softmax”, “Log10”, “IHST”, None}. Color normalization is only applicable when ‘color’ dimension is mapped and color type has been set to ‘gradient.’ Default is ‘None’ which implies that normalization will not be applied to ‘color’ dimension.



property color_palette_id

Color Palette ID. Must be a int. Default of None leaves the color palette id as is. Value of 0-n selects the desired color palette, based on the color_type. Color Palette ID is only applicable when a feature has been mapped to ‘color’



property color_type

Color type setting. Must be set to str and match one of the following {“gradient”, “bin”, “palette”, None}. Default value ‘None’ leaves Virtualitics Explore to default color type based, which is dependent on the feature mapped to color. Color type setting is only applicable when the ‘color’ dimension has been mapped.



property confidence

Confidence setting. Must be set to a float and match one of {99.5, 99.0, 97.5, 95.0, 90.0, 80.0, 75.0, 70.0, 50.0, 30.0, 25.0, 20.0, 10.0, 5.0, 2.5, 1.0, .5}. Show points is only applicable when ‘plot_type’ is “ellipsoid”. Default is ‘None’ which implies Virtualitics Explore will use the default confidence interval for the Ellipsoid plot.



property country_labels

Country labels setting. Must be set to bool or str and match on of {“show”, True, “hide”, False}. ‘country_labels’ is only applicable when the plot type is set to ‘MAPS3D’. Default is ‘None’ which implies Virtualitics Explore will use the default for country labels.



property country_lines

Country Lines setting. Must be set to bool or str and match on of {“show”, True, “hide”, False}. ‘country_lines’ is only applicable when the plot type is set to ‘MAPS3D’. Default is ‘None’ which implies Virtualitics Explore will use the default for country lines.



property data_set_name

str Name of the dataset to use when creating the plot. default: None implies use the currently loaded dataset.



property edge_transparency

EdgeTransparency setting. (Optional) Must be set to a float.




Determines if there is only one good view of the plot that will be generated.


str if there is a better view or None otherwise.


Prepares a dictionary that contains the plot dimensions and all settings to be sent over in an API request.




Getter for the hidden attribute that is managed by the plot_type(val) method.



property globe_style

Globe style setting. Must be set to str that matches one of {“natural”, “dark”, “black ocean”, “blue ocean”, “gray ocean”, “water color”, “topographic”, “moon”, “night”}. Globe style setting is only applicable when ‘plot_type’ is set to “MAPS3D”. Default is ‘None’ which implies Virtualitics Explore will use the default globe style.



property groupby

Groupby dimension (refine dimension). Should be set to str of the feature name to be mapped to groupby dimension in Virtualitics Explore. If a pandas.Series is passed, the name attribute will be used and must match a feature name in the specified dataset in Virtualitics Explore. Default is None which implies that groupby dimension will not be mapped.



property halo

Halo dimension (Extra dimension). Should be set to str of the feature name to be mapped to halo dimension in Virtualitics Explore. If a pandas.Series is passed, the name attribute will be used and must match a feature name in the specified dataset in Virtualitics Explore. Default is None which implies that halo dimension will not be mapped.



property halo_highlight

Halo highlight setting. Must be set to a str and match one of the values of the feature mapped to “halo”.


str or numeric

property halo_scale

Halo scale setting. Must be set to float with value between .5 and 10. Default value ‘None’ leaves Virtualitics Explore to default scaling value.



property heatmap_enabled

Heatmap enabled setting. Must be set to bool. Heatmaps are only applicable for geospatial plots. Default value is None which implies that Virtualitics Explore will not generate heatmap visualizations.



property heatmap_intensity

Heatmap intensity setting. Must be set to a float between 0 and 1. Heatmaps are only applicable for geospatial plots. Heatmap intensity setting is only applicable if the heatmap_enabled is set to True.



property heatmap_radius

Heatmap radius setting. Must be set to a float between 0 and 1. Heatmaps are only applicable for geospatial plots. Heatmap radius setting is only applicable if the heatmap_enabled is set to True.



property heatmap_radius_unit

Heatmap radius unit setting. Must be set to a float between 0 and 1. Heatmaps are only applicable for geospatial plots. Heatmap radius setting is only applicable if the heatmap_enabled is set to True.


str and one of {“Kilometers”, “Miles”, “NauticalMiles”}.

property hist_volume_by

Histogram volume by setting. Must be set to str and match with one of {“count”, “avg”, “sum”, “uniform”}. Histogram volume by is only applicable if the ‘plot_type’ is ‘HISTOGRAM’. Default value is ‘None’ which implies Virtualitics Explore will use the default setting for volume by on histogram plots.




Checks if the current plot type is a geospatial plot type. This is used when determining whether certain plot settings are applicable.




Checks if any of the ‘x’, ‘y’, or ‘z’ properties are not None. This is used before attempting to map appearance, refinement, or extra dimensions.



property lat_long_lines

Latitude/Longitude Lines setting. Must be set to bool or str and match on of {“show”, True, “hide”, False}. ‘lat_long_lines’ is only applicable when the plot type is set to ‘MAPS3D’. Default is ‘None’ which implies Virtualitics Explore will use the default for latitude/longitude lines.



property line_plot_point_mode

LinePlotPointMode setting. (Optional) Must be set to a str and match one of the accepted values (‘ShowAll’, ‘HidePoints’, ‘HideLines’, ‘HideAll’).


str or numeric

property log_level

int from 0 to 2. 0: quiet, 1: help, 2: debug



property map_provider

Map provider setting. Must be set to str and match with one of {“ArcGIS”, “OpenStreetMap”} or None, which is the default and sets Virtualitics Explore to use the default map provider for relevant plots. Map provider is only applicable when plot type is set to ‘MAPS2D’.



map_provider_style(provider=None, style=None)
  • provider – Map provider setting. Must be set to str and match with one of {“ArcGIS”, “OpenStreetMap”} or None, which is the default and sets Virtualitics Explore to use the default map provider for relevant plots. Map provider is only applicable when plot type is set to ‘MAPS2D’.

  • style – Map style settings. Must be set to str and match one of the following depending on the map provider: ArcGIS: {“Topographic”, “Ocean”, “Imagery”, “Gray”}, OpenStreetMap: {“Mapnik”}. Map style is only applicable when plot_type is set to ‘MAPS2D’. The default is None which implies Virtualitics Explore will use the default map style for the currently set map provider.



property map_style

Map style settings. Must be set to str and match one of the following depending on the map provider: ArcGIS: {“Topographic”, “Ocean”, “Imagery”, “Gray”}, OpenStreetMap: {“Mapnik”}, Map style is only applicable when plot_type is set to ‘MAPS2D’. The default is None which implies Virtualitics Explore will use the default map style for the currently set map provider.



property playback

Playback dimension (refine dimension). Should be set to str of the feature name to be mapped to playback dimension in Virtualitics Explore. If a pandas.Series is passed, the name attribute will be used and must match a feature name in the specified dataset in Virtualitics Explore. Default is None which implies that playback dimension will not be mapped.



property playback_highlight

Playback highlight setting. Must be set to a str and match one of the values of the feature mapped to “playback”.


str or numeric


Changes the plot type for the object. The passed value must be a str and the valid values are {“scatter”, “histogram”, “line”, “violin”, “ellipsoid”, “convex_hull”, “surface”, “maps2d”, “maps3d”}. Default value of None implies “scatter” plot, which is the default plot type in Virtualitics Explore. Changing the plot type may clear some plot settings based on the state of the plot object with the old plot type. This is to ensure that an illegal VipPlot object instance is not created.





property pulsation

Pulsation dimension (Extra dimension). Should be set to str of the feature name to be mapped to pulsation dimension in Virtualitics Explore. If a pandas.Series is passed, the name attribute will be used and must match a feature name in the specified dataset in Virtualitics Explore. Default is None which implies that pulsation dimension will not be mapped.



property pulsation_highlight

Pulsation highlight setting. Must be set to a str and match one of the values of the feature mapped to “pulsation”.


str or numeric

property scatter_plot_point_mode

Scatter Plot point visibility setting. (Optional) Must be set to a str and match one of the accepted values (‘None’, ‘ShowPoints’, ‘HidePoints’).


str or numeric

property shape

Shape dimension (appearance dimension). Should be set to str of the feature name to be mapped to shape dimension in Virtualitics Explore. If a pandas.Series is passed, the name attribute will be used and must match a feature name in the specified dataset in Virtualitics Explore. Default is None which implies that shape dimension will not be mapped.



property show_points

Show points setting. Must be set to a bool. Show points is only applicable when ‘plot_type’ is set to one of the surface or line plot types: {“ellipsoid”, “convex_hull”, “surface”, “line”}



property size

Size dimension (appearance dimension). Should be set to str of the feature name to be mapped to size dimension in Virtualitics Explore. If a pandas.Series is passed, the name attribute will be used and must match a feature name in the specified dataset in Virtualitics Explore. Default is None which implies that size dimension will not be mapped.



property size_normalization

Size normalization setting. Must be set str and match with one of the normalization options listed here: {“softmax”, “Log10”, “IHST”, None}. Size normalization is only applicable when ‘size’ dimension has been mapped. Default is ‘None’ which implies that normalization will not be applied to the ‘size’ dimension.



property size_scale

Size scale setting. Must be set to float with value between .5 and 10. Default value ‘None’ leaves Virtualitics Explore to default scaling value.



property transparency

Transparency dimension (Extra dimension). Should be set to str of the feature name to be mapped to transparency dimension in Virtualitics Explore. If a pandas.Series is passed, the name attribute will be used and must match a feature name in the specified dataset in Virtualitics Explore. Default is None which implies that transparency dimension will not be mapped.



property transparency_normalization

Transparency normalization setting. Must be set str and match with one of the normalization options listed here: {“softmax”, “Log10”, “IHST”, None}. Transparency normalization is only applicable when ‘transparency’ dimension has been mapped. Default is ‘None’ which implies that normalization will not be applied to the ‘transparency’ dimension.



property transparency_scale

Transparency scale setting. Must be set to float with value between .5 and 10. Default value ‘None’ leaves Virtualitics Explore to default scaling value.



property trend_lines

Trend line setting. Must be set to a str and match one of the accepted values (‘None’, ‘Color’, ‘GroupBy’, ‘All’).


str or numeric

property viewby

Line plot view by setting. Must be set to str and match with one of {“color”, “groupby”}. View by is only applicable if the ‘plot_type’ is ‘LINE_PLOT’. Default value is ‘None’ which implies Virtualitics Explore will use the default setting for view by on line plots.



property x

X dimension (Spatial dimension). Should be set to str of the feature name to be mapped to X dimension in Virtualitics Explore. If a pandas.Series is passed, the name attribute will be used and must match a feature name in the specified dataset in Virtualitics Explore. Default is None which implies that X dimension will not be mapped.


str feature name to map to X dimension.

property x_bins

X bins setting. Must be a int between 1 and 1000. X bins is only applicable if the ‘plot_type’ has been set to “HISTOGRAM”. If there are multiple spatial dimensions (X, Y, Z) mapped, there are additional constraints for permissible values.


int between 1 and 1000

X limit Link setting. Must be set to bool. Default value ‘None’ leaves Virtualitics Explore to default limit link value. X limit link is only applicable when the X dimension is being used.



property x_limit_max

X limit Max setting. Must be set to float. Default value ‘None’ leaves Virtualitics Explore to default limit max value. X limit max is only applicable when the X dimension is being used.



property x_limit_min

X Limit Min setting. Must be set to float. Default value ‘None’ leaves Virtualitics Explore to default limit min value. X limit min is only applicable when the X dimension is being used.



property x_normalization

X normalization setting. Must be set to str and match with one of the Normalization options listed here: {“Softmax”, “Log10”, “IHST”, None}. X normalization is only applicable when ‘x’ dimension is mapped. X normalization is not applicable for Geospatial plots.



property x_range_max

X Range Max setting. Must be set to float with value between Min and Max of the column mapped to the X Dimension. Default value ‘None’ leaves Virtualitics Explore to default range max value. X range max is only applicable when the X dimension is being used.



property x_range_min

X Range Min setting. Must be set to float with value between Min and Max of the column mapped to the X Dimension. Default value ‘None’ leaves Virtualitics Explore to default range min value. X range min is only applicable when the X dimension is being used and should be assigned after assigning X, not before.



property x_scale

X scale setting. Must be set to float with value between .5 and 10. Default value ‘None’ leaves Virtualitics Explore to default scaling value. X scale is only applicable when the X dimension is being used. X scale is not applicable for Geospatial plot types (‘maps2d’, ‘maps3d’).



property y

Y dimension (Spatial dimension). Should be set to str of the feature name to be mapped to Y dimension in Virtualitics Explore. If a pandas.Series is passed, the name attribute will be used and must match a feature name in the specified dataset in Virtualitics Explore. Default is None which implies that Y dimension will not be mapped.


str feature name to map to Y dimension.

property y_bins

Y bins setting. Must be a int between 1 and 1000. Y bins is only applicable if the ‘plot_type’ has been set to “HISTOGRAM”. If there are multiple spatial dimensions (X, Y, Z) mapped, there are additional constraints for permissible values.


int between 1 and 1000

Y limit Link setting. Must be set to bool. Default value ‘None’ leaves Virtualitics Explore to default limit link value. Y limit link is only applicable when the Y dimension is being used.



property y_limit_max

Y limit Max setting. Must be set to float. Default value ‘None’ leaves Virtualitics Explore to default limit max value. Y limit max is only applicable when the Y dimension is being used.



property y_limit_min

Y Limit Min setting. Must be set to float. Default value ‘None’ leaves Virtualitics Explore to default limit min value. Y limit min is only applicable when the Y dimension is being used.



property y_normalization

Y normalization setting. Must be set to str and match with one of the Normalization options listed here: {“Softmax”, “Log10”, “IHST”, None}. Y normalization is only applicable when ‘y’ dimension is mapped. Y normalization is not applicable for Geospatial plots.



property y_range_max

Y Range Max setting. Must be set to float with value between Min and Max of the column mapped to the Y Dimension. Default value ‘None’ leaves Virtualitics Explore to default range max value. Y range max is only applicable when the Y dimension is being used.



property y_range_min

Y Range Min setting. Must be set to float with value between Min and Max of the column mapped to the Y Dimension. Default value ‘None’ leaves Virtualitics Explore to default range min value. Y range min is only applicable when the X dimension is being used.



property y_scale

Y scale setting. Must be set to float with value between .5 and 10. Default value ‘None’ leaves Virtualitics Explore to default scaling value. Y scale is only applicable when the Y dimension is being used. Y scale is not applicable for Geospatial plot types (‘maps2d’, ‘maps3d’).



property z

Z dimension (Spatial dimension). Should be set to str of the feature name to be mapped to Z dimension in Virtualitics Explore. If a pandas.Series is passed, the name attribute will be used and must match a feature name in the specified dataset in Virtualitics Explore. Default is None which implies that Z dimension will not be mapped.


str feature name to map to Z dimension.

property z_bins

Z bins setting. Must be a int between 1 and 1000. Z bins is only applicable if the ‘plot_type’ has been set to “HISTOGRAM”. If there are multiple spatial dimensions (X, Y, Z) mapped, there are additional constraints for permissible values.


int between 1 and 1000

Z limit Link setting. Must be set to bool. Default value ‘None’ leaves Virtualitics Explore to default limit link value. Z limit link is only applicable when the Z dimension is being used.



property z_limit_max

Z limit Max setting. Must be set to float. Default value ‘None’ leaves Virtualitics Explore to default limit max value. Z limit max is only applicable when the Z dimension is being used.



property z_limit_min

Z Limit Min setting. Must be set to float. Default value ‘None’ leaves Virtualitics Explore to default limit min value. Z limit min is only applicable when the Z dimension is being used.



property z_normalization

Z normalization setting. Must be set to str and match with one of the Normalization options listed here: {“Softmax”, “Log10”, “IHST”, None}. Z normalization is only applicable when ‘z’ dimension is mapped. Z normalization is not applicable for Geospatial plots.



property z_range_max

Z Range Max setting. Must be set to float with value between Min and Max of the column mapped to the Z Dimension. Default value ‘None’ leaves Virtualitics Explore to default range max value. Y range max is only applicable when the Z dimension is being used.



property z_range_min

Z Range Min setting. Must be set to float with value between Min and Max of the column mapped to the Z Dimension. Default value ‘None’ leaves Virtualitics Explore to default range min value. Z range min is only applicable when the Z dimension is being used.



property z_scale

Z scale setting. Must be set to float with value between .5 and 10. Default value ‘None’ leaves Virtualitics Explore to default scaling value. Z scale is only applicable when the Z dimension is being used.




class virtualitics.vip_annotation.AnnotationPipPosition(value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)

Options for pip/badge position.


class virtualitics.vip_annotation.AnnotationType(value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)

Different types of annotations available in Virtualitics Explore.


class virtualitics.vip_annotation.VipAnnotation(a_type=None, name=None, id=None, comment=None, userID=None, datasetName=None, mappingID=None, objectID=None, rowIndex=None, linkedObjectID=None, linkedDatasetName=None, linkedMappingID=None, windowColor=None, textColor=None, pipPosition=None, screenPositionX=None, screenPositionY=None, screenOffsetX=None, screenOffsetY=None, objectAnchorX=None, objectAnchorY=None, objectAnchorZ=None, width=None, height=None, isAttached=None, isCollapsed=None)

The VipAnnotation class contains the basic data and metadata for creating and managing an Annotation in Virtualitics Explore.


class virtualitics.vip_object.VipObject(name=None, id=None, path=None)

Class to store metadata about a VipObject.


class virtualitics.vip_dashboard.VipDashboard(name=None, guid=None)

The Dashboard class contains the basic metadata for addressing a Virtualitics Explore dashboard by ID/Name.

class virtualitics.vip_dashboard.VipDashboardTile(name=None, guid=None, dashboard=None, tile_type=None)

The Dashboard Tile class contains the information used to define and create a dashboard tile in Virtualitics Explore.